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The Government of Peru remains a committed partner of the United States in reducing coca cultivation and cocaine production. The country faced significant challenges in 2020, including one of the world’s highest COVID-19 death rates and a significant economic downturn due to the pandemic. The pandemic also presented significant obstacles to the Peruvian Government’s efforts to provide alternative livelihoods to former coca farmers, build transportation infrastructure in underdeveloped areas, and bring safety and security to rural Peruvians. There also was a months-long pause on eradication efforts in 2020 due to the country’s COVID-19 quarantine restrictions. During this time, coca cultivation and cocaine production reached a record high level of 88,200 hectares.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
(Hectares) 53,000 49,500 50,500 59,500 46,500 53,000
Production Potential
(Metric Tons) 369 385 388 460 409 445
2017 2018 2019 2020
(Hectares) 49,800 52,100 72,000 88,200
Production Potential
(Metric Tons) 481 527 649 810 ... an-region/