Yo no había visto esta noticia -
Brazil confirms French LPD procurement
Victor Barreira, Porto, Portugal - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
18 November 2015
Naturalmente el LPD es el Sirocco.
he Brazilian Navy Directorate of Naval Engineering was authorised to procure the ship for around EUR80 million (USD85 million). It is to be renamed Bahia (G 40) and designated as NDM (Navio Doca Multipropósito). The navy will also receive three landing boats.
The package Brazil purchased includes original armament comprising two MBDA SIMBAD twin launchers for MBDA MISTRAL very short range air-defence missiles, spares, special tools, test equipment, training, and technical publications. The ship will be based in Rio de Janeiro.
IHS janes Defense Weekly
Buena adquisición y barata. La Marina do Brasil requiere de un instrumento de proyección de poder a tierra.