Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Otros temas latinoamericanos, militares y civiles, no incluídos en los demás foros.
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Registrado: 17 Jun 2015, 20:15

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por Seaman »

flanker33 escribió:Hola Seaman,

quería plantearle una pregunta. Digamos que tengo un CVN y quiero montar unas CAP con sus cazas para protegerlo. ¿Cómo puedo hacer para que el relevo de los aviones en CAP se produzca "on station", y no que los aviones de relevo despeguen cuando los otros ya están de regreso, produciéndose un hueco en la cobertura, e igual con los E-2? Es más, ¿podría hacerse que ese relevo se produjera cuando los que están en CAP no estén muy cerca del "bingo fuel"?

Si no existe esa opción, ¿se puede implementar o hacérsela saber a los desarrolladores?

Gracias, un saludo.
Hola estimado.

Por los momentos si deseas el relevo " on station" tienes que recurrir a la microgestión y ordenar el lanzamiento de la CAP de forma manual y el RTB de igual forma.

Para la versión 1.11 puede que esto cambie, ya que serán introducidos unas 20 variables para el RTB por bingo fuel y/o winchester:

Bingo/Winchester logics have been given a massive workover in v1.11.

"Each aircraft loadout will now have its own Winchester/Shotgun setting and these can be overridden by the player as a Doctrine setting. Are more than 20 different Winchester/Shotgun settings to choose from.

Have also added user-configurable Joker/Bingo settings, allowing the player to have aircraft RTB before Bingo is reached"


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Registrado: 18 Jun 2005, 12:02

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por flanker33 »

Estimado Seaman,

gracias por su pronta respuesta. Esperaremos esa nueva versión.

Un saludo.

"Si usted no tiene libertad de pensamiento, la libertad de expresión no tiene ningún valor" - José Luís Sampedro
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Registrado: 18 Jun 2005, 12:02

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por flanker33 »

Hola Seaman,

tengo otro par de preguntas para usted a ver si me sacas de dudas.

-Los misiles AS-4 de los Backfire ¿tienen capacidad HOJ contra blancos navales? y si es así ¿está modelada correctamente en el simulador?
-Los aviones con ECM, ¿pueden hacer o hacen por defecto "Blinking":
Blinking. Noise or a sample of the victim radar pulse is amplified and retransmitted from various widely separated points on the ECM unit (or several closely spaced cooperating units) in a random fashion, causing enhancement of the usual movement (wander) of the point on the ECM unit that the radar tracks. For smooth tracking and accurate solution of the fire control problem, the radar should track the centroid of the target. The result of this technique is excessive tracking error.
para reducir la amenaza HOJ de los misiles A-A?

Gracias un saludo.

"Si usted no tiene libertad de pensamiento, la libertad de expresión no tiene ningún valor" - José Luís Sampedro
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Mensajes: 1002
Registrado: 17 Jun 2015, 20:15

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por Seaman »

flanker33 escribió:Hola Seaman,

tengo otro par de preguntas para usted a ver si me sacas de dudas.

-Los misiles AS-4 de los Backfire ¿tienen capacidad HOJ contra blancos navales? y si es así ¿está modelada correctamente en el simulador?
-Los aviones con ECM, ¿pueden hacer o hacen por defecto "Blinking":
Blinking. Noise or a sample of the victim radar pulse is amplified and retransmitted from various widely separated points on the ECM unit (or several closely spaced cooperating units) in a random fashion, causing enhancement of the usual movement (wander) of the point on the ECM unit that the radar tracks. For smooth tracking and accurate solution of the fire control problem, the radar should track the centroid of the target. The result of this technique is excessive tracking error.
para reducir la amenaza HOJ de los misiles A-A?

Gracias un saludo.
Hola estimado flanker.

Efectivamente, los AS-4 entre sus propiedades está el HOJ. Esta característica es implementada y simulada en el CMANO, para todo misil que la incluya como propiedad. Particularmente lo he comprobado.

En cuanto al "blinking" este no está implementado exprofeso en el menú de acciones de un avión con capacidad jam, es decir no es posible ordenar un "blink" como acción directa en el menú del avión. Sería cuestión de comprobar si por defecto emplea esta característica cuando se hace jam en conjunto con un buque y afecta a los misiles con capacidad HOJ.

Saludos y a la orden.

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Registrado: 17 Jun 2015, 20:15

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por Seaman »

Por acá el escenario final presentado por el este hilo: ... -5460.html

En esta versión se introducen los cambios surgidos del feedback del AAR. La idea es darle los últimos toques de quien pueda probarlo.
Descargar por acá: ... sp=sharing

Agradecido de antemano. :thumbs:

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Registrado: 17 Jun 2015, 20:15

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por Seaman »

Pues lo esperado, se ha liberado el primer RC de la versión 1.10:

Importantes mejoras en esta versión que ya había comentado anteriormente por este hilo.


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Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2238
Registrado: 18 Jun 2005, 12:02

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por flanker33 »

Estimado Seaman,

gracias por su respuesta. Respecto al escenario de la Operación Gomorra, le he mandado un pequeño AAR por MP por si le puede servir.

Un saludo.

"Si usted no tiene libertad de pensamiento, la libertad de expresión no tiene ningún valor" - José Luís Sampedro
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Mensajes: 1002
Registrado: 17 Jun 2015, 20:15

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por Seaman »

A actualizar!

Se ha liberado la versión definitiva de CMANO 1.10 :asombro2: y :asombro2: totalmente disponible para ser instalada. Interesantes características se implementan con esta nueva versión. Más info:


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Mensajes: 1002
Registrado: 17 Jun 2015, 20:15

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por Seaman »

Actualización disponible! Ya se liberó la v 1.11 ...

Pier-docking Operations add a whole new operational/strategic dimension to CMANO's gameplay: Ships and submarines can now dock to their parent hosting facilities (either a shore pier or a mother ship/sub) and refuel, re-arm and even repair their damage. Will you push your ships to the limit and risk withdrawing too late from the fight? Or too early and give your enemy free reign? Will you take your time to fully repair (and possibly let your enemy get away), or put back to sea too early and risk being outgunned? The choice is yours.

ORBAT recon of air/naval bases
"The last satellite pass 4 hours ago showed that an additional 12 fighter-bombers have been moved outside of their shelters and parked on the perimeter revetments, probably in preparation for a major sortie. Accordingly, the raid leader adjusted the targeting and weaponry of the second wave: instead of blasting the hardened shelters with precision penetrator munitions, most of the strikes would sprinkle the open parking spaces with cluster bombs". You can now do these things in CMANO.

AGL altitude settings, stores jettison and mission player feedback
Sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference. Your terrain-following capable aircraft can now go really down in the weeds and stay there. You can now define (with doctrine, so per unit, group, mission or entire side) which aircraft will jettison their heavy stores when under attack, to better manouver, and which will hang on to them. What risks will you take?

Last but not least: Massive performance/scalability gains
3x to over 10x speed gains on large, complex scenarios. You read that right. And even more fine tuning options for tailoring speed to your specific hardware & OS setup so you can squeeze every ounce of horsepower from your rig. Now bring your world war to fruition. You know you want to

 Massive improvements to simulation speed and RAM consumption.

 MAJOR NEW: Detailed Winchester & Shotgun (weapons) and Bingo, Joker & Chicken (fuel) states for aircraft. See overview here.
 MAJOR NEW: Pier operations. See overview here.

To support pier operations, new 'Withdraw' and 'Redeploy' doctrine settings have
been added to the AI behavior of ships/subs. These control the criteria/thresholds
that the ship/sub AI will use in order to RTB (if it is underway) and re-deploy (if it
is docked). The thresholds cover damage, fuel, primary attack & defence
weapons. Each threshold type has several appropriate values.

[NOTE #1: The definition of primary attack/defence weapon points to the
longest-ranged ASuW weapon (attack) and AAW/ASW (defence) weapon, and
uses the default DB-fed values for reference. So for example if an Aegis cruiser
is stocked with SM-2s on its DB-pristine version but the scen author opts to clean
them out and re-stock with TLAMs and a few ESSMs, the cruiser is considered
as "primary defence weapon exhausted" even though it still has the ESSMs].

[NOTE #2: The rules for picking the primary attack/defence weapon are
slightly different for submarines. Hunter-killer subs (both nuclear and DE)
consider torpedoes their primary weapon for both attack and defence even if they
carry other longer-ranged weapons (missiles etc.). Cruise- and ballistic-missile
subs however, consider their missiles their primary attack weapon.]
Docked ships/subs can re-arm from either magazines on the pier itself or ammo
facilities belonging to the same group (ie. naval base) as the pier, just like with
ammo bunkers on airbases.
When putting out from a pier to sea again, ships/subs first navigate to a point at
the edges of the pier lane area and then re-plot for their destination.

 MAJOR NEW: Aircraft in airbases and ships/subs at naval bases can now
be spotted and catalogued during a BDA/recon run. See overview here.

 MAJOR UPDATE: Significant improvements to air-to-air refuelling AI and
mechanics. See here for details.

 MAJOR UPDATE to the Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP) model. While it
is possible to recharge the submarine’s batteries using AIP, the low power
of typical AIP systems relative to the diesel-powered generators means
that it would take extremely long time to recharge a deeply discharged
battery. Storing energy in batteries is also a less efficient than storing the
energy in the AIP reactants. As such, AIP is best used to minimize
discharge of the submarine’s batteries, and wait with conventional diesel
engine recharging to a time and location that is more suitable. This means
the AIP system will only be able to keep up with battery drainage at creep
throttle setting. At higher speeds, the electric motors will require more
power than the AIP can deliver, which forces the sub to eventually snorkel.

 New and expanded submarine doctrine settings. See overview here.

 Significant changes to replenishment rates (both UNREP and pierside).
The rate at which a given store can be transferred to the receiver unit is
now determined by the characteristics of the item:
 Guided weapons up to 10kg, gun & rocket rounds up to 15mm: One
per second.
 Guided weapons up to 50kg, gun & rocket rounds up to 24mm: One
per 5 seconds.
 Guided weapons up to 100kg, gun & rocket rounds up to 60mm: One
per 15 seconds.
 Guided weapons up to 150kg, gun & rocket rounds up to 80mm: One
per 30 seconds.
 Guided weapons up to 250kg, gun & rocket rounds up to 150mm: One
per minute.
 Guided weapons up to 500kg, gun & rocket rounds up to 200mm,
depth charges, mines, decoys, dispensers, drop tanks, laser charges
and everything else not covered: One per 5 minutes.
 Guided weapons up to 1000kg, gun & rocket rounds up to 350mm:
One per 15 minutes.
 Guided weapons up to 2500kg, gun & rocket rounds up to 450mm:
One per 30 minutes.
 Guided weapons heavier than 2500kg, gun & rocket rounds larger than
450mm: One per hour.

The rate is further affected by the UNREP capability of the receiving unit, doubled if the provider is a land facility (stability and more equipment), and halved if the receiver is a submarine (more complicated to get anything bulky inside a sub).
 Aircraft will now jettison their A2G stores when evading an attack (if the relevant doctrine setting is set to YES). This is accompanied by a relevant message detailing the stores ejected. The jettison check is made every 5 seconds (it takes a few seconds to do this in the cockpit), so there is a chance that an aircraft that is caught by surprise will have no time to
jettison its stores before the missile impact happens. Also only external stores can be jettisoned.

The current implementation has a known issue: Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFTs),
like those on the F-15E and numerous export F-16s, are treated like drop tanks
and thus jettisoned (in RL they cannot be ejected). This is to be addressed in the

 The pathfinding engine has been refined and made more performand and
also user-configurable (see:

 Unguided bombs and rockets fired in salvos are now impacting as "sticks"
rather than treated as totally individual/indepedent impacts. So for
example when weapon #1 impacts at coods X-Y the rest of the salvo will
(CEP deviations aside) fall more or less on a line pattern starting from that
first impact. This is particulatly important when attacking multiple-aimpoint
facilities as it forces the attacking unit to "commit" to a specific aimpoint
(straddle it with weapon impacts) and just hope for collateral damage on
the other aimpoints.

 Changed the way that facility aimpoints are affected by blast damage
(tanks are a lot harder to kill with proximity blast now, while e.g. trucks are
easy as ever).

 Bomblets are very likely to start fires if they impact (lots of small
explosions). For the same reason they are more likely to cause
component hits even if they barely scratch the target structurally.

 Units cannot perform component repairs if the unit has non-minor fire or
flooding (all hands are busy!).

 Only minor component damage can be repaired while underway (the unit
must dock to parent boat/pier for heavier repairs).

 The "unlimited weapons at airbases" realism option is now expanded to
the more generic "unlimited base magazines", and affects both air and
naval bases. So you can use (or experiment with) pier re-arming without
first having to populate ammo dumps with suitable weapon records.

 Fixed: Ignore gun straffing doctrine under manual fire.

 AI tweak: Targets that identified as waste of ammo (e.g. tarmac already
heavily damaged [cannot be totally destroyed]) are deliberately avoided in
targeting evaluations.

 Single-unit airbases can no longer be targeted (use normal multi-unit
airbases if they are to be attacked).

 Added more detailed mechanics for thermobaric/FAE warheads:

 Upon impact, this type of warhead creates an instant "killing cloud"
(size is dependent on warhead weight) which detonates uniformly and
creates a strong overpressure wave. The maximum damage applied is
less than that on the epicenter of a conventional HE detonation, but
contrary to HE (where the effective blast damage falls sharply with
distance) the explosive force is applied almost the same at any point in
the cloud; naturally, this makes FAE an excellent area-effect weapon
against non-hardened targets. In addition, any target within the cloud
suffers severe fire damage.

 Targets outside the detonation cloud but near it can also receive blast
damage, depending on their distance from the cloud border.

 Contrary to HE and because of the way they operate, FAE warheads
are highly sensitive to rain (intense storm severely degrades them) and
high altitude (because they use atmospheric oxygen as the explosion
oxidant, they are severely less effective at high altitudes where the air
is thinner). This makes them less versatile than conventional HE

 TWEAK: GMTI radars detect moving targets more easily.

 ADDED: Nuclear detonations produce an intense but short-ranged
neutron wave (this is the basis of the "enhanced radiation warhead" a.k.a.
"neutron bomb"). Nuclear-tipped AAMs/SAMs use this as their primary kill
mechanism against fast incoming targets (ie. missiles/RVs).

 Numerous changes/additions to UI windows to support new simulation
mechanics (see above).
 The Doctrine window now has an extra tab "Withdraw & Redeploy" (see
Pier Operations feature above).
 The "Docking Ops" window has additional columns to display fuel and
(clickable) damage, weapon and magazine information.
 The "Docking Ops" window now color-codes the various aspects of a
unit's deployment readiness (compared against doctrine redeployment
thresholds) in order to provide an at-a-glance overview. Example here. A
unit will deploy under AI control only if it's "green across the board" (and if
it is under a mission); otherwise the player can manually order it to deploy
at any time, ready or not.
 AGL altitude settings are now supported for aircraft. See example here
 The mission AI now generates logged messages that explain why a
mission has not launched aircraft. Example here
 New window dedicated to game speed options. See overview here
 ADDED: Display mine deployment depths in DB Viewer
 "Load Scenario" Dialog: Expanded left table so longer scenario names are
 UI Tweak: Don't report "BDA change" if the previous BDA state is blank
(ie. no more BDA message flood when you approach e.g. an enemy
 Added: Rename ships in Boat Ops window
 Added: Hotkeys to open add/remove aircraft/boats
 UI Tweak: On the "Edit Event" window, the dropdown lists for Triggers,
Conditions and Actions are sorted alphabetically
 UI TWEAK: Ship fuel panel now lists the available fuel types. Example
 UI addition: Lua script error generates a log message when run noninteractively
 New option on "Game Options" window: Extra Memory Protection (OFF by
default). When enabled, this adds an extra layer of checking for out-ofmemory
errors. Disabling it confers a UI/map performance increase, most
noticeable on real-time (1-1 sec) mode.
 On Doctrine-WRA form, the weapons are now listed in natural-alphabetic
order (e.g. AIM-9 goes before AIM-120)
 UI TWEAK: Adjusted Missions + Ref. Point menu: Moved "Delete Ref
Point" to under "Add Ref Point"

 NEW: Spatial polygon validation: All windows with area editors now have
a ‘Validate Area’ button that allows the player to quickly determine if the
polygon used for the area (exclusion zone etc.) is valid or not. The
simulator will also display the polygon in the tactical map. This includes
areas used by the event engine. Furthermore, all areas in a scenario are
validated on load, and the player will be presented with warnings if the
scenario contains invalid polygons.
 FIXED: When cloning an EE SimEvent, the lists of
Triggers/Conditions/Actions pointed to the very same instances (thus
when e.g. removing a trigger, the trigger would be removed from both

 Includes the latest DB versions.
 Includes rebuilt versions of all official scenarios & tutorials.
#10106 DB3k: Turkey Updates
#10061 Sinpo-class SSB
#4790 Message log shows detections by sensors without stating a
#10202 48N6D/DM missile should have 160nm range
#9729 Scen Edit: Make unit fuel editable (via Lua)
#7592 Air-launched decoys should be identifiable as 'weapon' when within
visual range
#6525 Edit Fuel Level
#3864 Targets tagging units as hostile without being in visual range of the
hostile event
#1333 What is the criteria for a unit seeing an attack and considering a
group hostile
#8459 Bunkers are hostile, but side is not.
#7801 Placing two different kinds EZs within each other causes navigator
to go bonkshit
#6753 [B490] Nested EZ's behaving strangely.
#5396 [416] Hostile althogh no missile detected
#5379 Contacts designated as hostile even if no-one actually saw the
missile launch
#10230 Can only fire one Straight Running Torp at a time? [757.12]
#10216 [B757.12] - WCS vs. id'd neutrals
#9966 Polaris firing Mirvs despite WRA settings
#9454 [B638] Uncertainty centroids triggering exclusion zones
#7989 Suggestion: Contact right-click menu
#7410 Exclusion zones: Downgrading from hostile to unfriendly possible
#5202 Create New Mission window could have 'open mission editor' check
#10250 Bird Dog aircraft crashes database viewer
#10215 CTD when trying to stretch screen across three windows...
screenshot enclosed
#10174 A-26s running out of fuel in 1950
#10017 Minor - Mark as 'unfriendly' not in 'Contacts' menu
#9818 Walleyes self-destructing
#5226 Need to add classify as unfriendly hot key
#10264 DB3k: Harop not able to be BOL'd
#10253 Anti-torpedo torpedo: minor issue
#10247 HQ-9 minimum engagement altitude
#10223 [B775.2] Radar deletion changes radar range ring
#10101 CWDB Update: Sturgeon Tube issue 0000116
#9819 TACTOM issue
#10275 Operation Brass Drum bug
#10273 Blank log message
#10270 [B775.8] Illumination through terrain
#10268 CWDB: Viewing Bird Dog
#10267 B52H bomb altitude bug under 755.10
#10239 [B775.4] DLZ Maybe: Second error in renders test scenario
#10290 775.11 Fatal course on RTB after strike
#10288 NI 3 Needs to be Updated
#10280 Gun Fire Calculation
#8344 [576] Massive performance hit when shaded patrol area is shown
#10322 [776] Bug
#9789 Possible solution for Allies shooting down Allied muntions->Allow
Player to set no nav zone or allies
#9218 Escorts not escorting due to tanking scheduling differences
#7269 [511] Strike Editor: Group members that don't expend muntions may
continue on until their fuel rtb is hit
#10323 [Build 776] Escort Refueling Logic
#4388 Add Magazine
#10289 Abrupt slowdown and crash
#10291 [B775.11] ARMs not homing on emitter
#9767 Gunnery with Fire Control Pretty inaccurate
#10286 Sonobouys are not working
#8896 Sonobouy and Patrol Aircraft Logic: Replacement aircraft coming on
station aren't communicating with existing sonobouys
#10148 AAW gun attack logic that accounts for tail guns
#10279 [775.10 RC1] Repeatable slowdown to crash with Missile Strike
#10272 [B775.8] TALDs fly through mountains
#9310 [677]Minor Text Issue in Unit status Menu
#10256 Game throws up error
#10184 Event Editor Dialog Fix
#10249 Rockeye is doing no damage
#9447 Lua: Add facility. Some inconsistency when adding south of the
#10246 Boats Dialog needs links to database viewer
#10242 UUV and Minesweeper behavior: UUV's deployed in transit vs. in
the zone
#10244 Remus UUV being dragged and facing is weird
#7668 Range Ring colors listed
#4927 Beta Tester wants to able to show all patrol zones on the map. Not
just the active ones.
#5783 Turn on/off display of patrol zones
#8071 Request for toggle for mission zones: All, selected, none
#7362 [517]OOB Dialog: Unit listed under missions and tasks can be
clicked an the map will center on them
#10214 [757.12] Concurrency crash
#10212 Formation Editor Request: Stations marked as Relative or Fixed
#10241 Options Dialog: Scheme spelled wrong
#10141 Remus 600 ROV tether logics: cannot recover ROV if it runs out of
#10227 [B775.3] Slowdown and crash
#10238 DLZ Test- Units freeze in place but time ticks on
#10232 Crash in Renders DLZ Test
#10217 Ship surviving nuclear SSM hits with no damage
#10175 DB3k: Israeli Arrow 3 Corrections
#10143 DB3k: Add German Heron (2010) Leased
#10125 DB3k: Add KC-46 Japan (2020)
#10122 DB3k: Text fix for AS-4 loadout
#10165 [B775.1] Jamming may have been overcorrected
#10164 DB3k: Add Type 901 Tanker (China 2017)
#10130 DB3K: Shivalik Update
#10104 DB3k: Kamorta Updates
#9884 ZTZ-99A main battle tank
#9881 Add Chinese Type 59-II Tank
#9857 DB3k Update: Egyptian Army Equipment
#9743 [1.08 RC5]Minesweeping area should be marked on a map like
patrol missions
#9946 post 1.09 request: "Unit is classified" event trigger
#4614 Event Editor: Unit detected/classified/identified" trigger
#9485 Add "minimum classification level" criterion to "unit detected" trigger
(Was: Event fired by premature detection)
#10183 [B775.1] Moving groups with Lua does nothing
#10180 [B775.1] ScenEdit_SetUnitSide ungroups units
#9785 Lot of Goofy behavior with Ferry Missions
#10186 [B757.12] - afterburner crash?
#10221 [775.2] Player can change allied turnaround settings
#7809 Submarine acceleration stats
 FIXED: Unit was dropping manual-created salvo after salvo timeout
 FIXED: Erroneous miss distance reported for unguided weapons when
using meters
#10278 Message log hotkey
#8363 [B5xx - 578] unguided bomb drop speed
#9309 Ukraine Escalation Issue: Cub EW seems to be Jamming a Satellite
far away
#8519 [606] Minor UI: New Scen -> Ctrl-S saves over old scenario
#7135 Radar sites in Iceland (DB3K)
#6774 Release list of db component ID numbers
#10259 [775.8]Tarantul traveling at 5kts general hit by one bomblet when
any cluster bomb dropped on it.
#8351 Iron bombs better at tank busting than RBK antitank cluster bombs
#6712 ID'ing targets at too long (?) range
#7476 [B523] Minimizing Command in some instances causes Message
Log to disappear
#10348 Change Iron Bomb CEP to 50m
#10347 Kfir gun name weirdness
#10318 Su-35S mixed R-27/R-77 loadout (operational in Syria)
#10299 MAWS systems should scan at 60 sec intervals
#10351 [Build 775.16] Everything slows down and then an error message
#10261 Flickering Unit Status
#10234 [B775.3] - Incomplete update of the Database Viewer window
#10131 DPI Awareness
#9642 Alt/Speed window is too small in 125dpi
#10357 DB3k: Add Brazilian Scorpene (2018, S40 Riachuelo)
#10355 DB3k: SAAR 4.5 Just receiving Barack 8 bump IOC a year
#10353 DB3k Update: Quick fix on HMNZS Endeavor
#10349 J-7 loadout issue
#9882 Krasukha-series mobile jammers
#7613 Scaling issues with UI
#10358 Kh-35UE (dual-role ASM)
#10354 DB3k Update: Add KH-35U to SU-34 Loadout
#10330 DB3k Update: Alfa could not operate as deep as perceived
#10135 Su-35 for PLAAF
#10058 RuAF Su-34 loadouts should have R-27 instead of R-77
#10092 SAP-518 DECM on Algerian Su-30MKAs
#10442 Mike's Imports -> Includes Port Orientation
#10391 Peru Bell 47 year is incorrect
#10360 DB3k: SU-35 Loadout Errors
#10423 D3000 Pier capacity
#10418 Enable Naval Docks to be like Piers
#10416 DB3k: Additional SU-34 Loadouts
#10405 DB3k: Slight fix to 2968 Add another gun
#10337 DB3k Update: Add SA-1 to DB3k. Not Phased out until early mid
#09996 DB3k: Danish Aircraft Updates
#10387 Build 1.11 Stand Up Scenario Update
#10158 DB3000 F-35B AAW loadouts range discrepancy
#10102 DB3k: F/A-18C/D HARM loadout Issue
#10013 DB3k: F/A-18 Fuel and payload discrepencies
#10009 DB3k Update: F-35 Updates
 FIXED: [B775.17] Replenishing mount magazine not working
#9947 [v1.08] Save game changes effects of cluster warheads
#8640 [Build 619] ROV Dragging, fuel and possible crash
#6096 Pluto ROV strange behaviour
#10476 ROVs do not recharge batteries when docked
#10481 [B804]Demining UUV's never recharge batteries
 Fixed: Strike Planner waypoint cleanup edge case
 Fixed: Excluded delivery unit for nuclear gravity bombs
 Fixed: Manual mission altitude edge case
 FIXED: Silent crash on "new message" popup window
 Fixed: CBU warheads do not save correctly
 ADDED: #10487: Sort weapons in mags alphabetically
#10032 [Build 757.9] Mine Sweep Issues with Save Games
#09668 [Build 678.4] DeMining AI-Lot of Wiggling
#09299 [B670] Double click on sensor checkboxes desyncronizes them
#07524 Sensor Dialog- UI displaying checkbox for pods
#07275 Sensor window: radars may show up with active flag 'ticked' even
when they're destroyed
#06923 Feature Request: Player would like a select all button for arcs when
adding sensors and weapons
#01852 Destroyed sensor's "Active" checkbox isn't cleared
#10491 Ship Groups assigned to ship strike missions won't attack
#10489 AGM-114N warhead not working
#10490 Target Waste of Ammo Problem
 Fixed: ECM lists includes landed aircraft
 Fixed: Underwater nuke explosion
 Fixed: Backfire vs Carrier weird case
 FIXED: AOU of filtered-out contact showing up
 Fixed: GBUs should not make a sound when being dropped
 Fixed: Hostile sides sometimes go neutral and then back
#5588 Removing sensor from ship causes sensors to duplicate
 FIXED: #6016: [461] Weapons Dialog - Dialog isn't refreshed after
removing a mount showing the change
 FIXED: RV allocation behavior if there are move RVs available than
 FIXED: OOM error from too many EMP icon draws
 FIXED: Non-early warning ABM radars should be precise
 Updated: Opportunity target refinements
 Fixed: Subs plot weird courses to points they cannot reach
 Added: Smarter Sub depth UI for mission editor
 Fixed: False Sub targets should not do battery evaluations
 Fixed: Right-click menu doesn't always show when DB Viewer is open
 Fixed: Scenario file contains illegal characters
 Fixed: Refined Prosecution Area targeting logics - always defend against
a/c and vampires
 Fixed: Cannot uncheck mount arcs on Weapons window
 Fixed: Wingman ignores plotted course and attacks targets when lead
goes Winchester
 Fixed: Map-Cursor databox ("Black Box") causes weird behaviour
 Tweak: Refined 'unit is considered as hostile' evaluation
 Fixed: Crash in mission wake-up
 Tweak: Added notification about missing map files
#10326 DB3k: Add CMV-22B (US Navy 2018)
#10043 DB3k Update: Various Swedish Updates
#10011 DB3k Update: Propulsion Updates
#10010 DB3k: Tarantul Updates
#10450 DB442 0000210 Naval Dock not pier-like
#10110 DB3k Update: Alvaro de Bazan Updates
#10109 DB3k: Add Loose Finnish Units
#10042 [DB3k] Chile Adds - 80's and 90's
#10012 DB3k: Tow-2B Update
#10468 DB3k: Late Virginia name (quick fix)
#10454 Problem to use pier feature on CWD database
#10452 DB3K: Remove PLAAF SU-30MKK2
#10046 DB3k: Add Algerian Kebir class PB
#10045 DB3k: Mark's Baltic Updates
#10478 Helicopters with mine sweep gear need 30kt loiter speed
#10463 DB3k: French and Italian SAAM(aster) Name and IOC Corrections-
#10049 SS-21b does not have the "ballistic missile" flag
#09861 DB3k Fix: MH-60S Mine Sweep loadoats not working at all.
#10484 DB3k Update: Add Russian Navy SU-30SM
#10483 [DB3k]Found name of Egyptian Tarantul. C-801 Ahmed Fadel
#10479 DB3k: Add Algerian MI-28NE Hokum (2017)
#10462 DB3k: Bump the Chinese S-400 IOC from 2017 to 2018
#10457 DB3k: Add KC-130J Saudi Arabia (2016) x2
#10430 [DB3k] More SU-34 Info
#10536 CWDB Update: An-2 colt range issue
#10497 DB3k: 1st Blk III Burke gets a name
#10477 SEAD aircraft must have RWRs that are PreciseID capable (incl
#10461 Piers should have a high DP rating (armor too)
#10421 DB3k: Add properties to heavy lift vessels to carry other large
#09961 DB3k Update: Kuwait buys 28 Eurofighters
#06886 Algerian MEKO 200 (2016+, no pennant number or name as per
Sept 2014)
#10540 [B757.10] [LOADDOC] tag not working correctly for non-campaign
#09401 Bars-M IMINT satellite
#08200 DB3k: Chinese Surveillance Satellite Info
#10548 [DB3k Update] Add Dyugon class LCU (Russia 2010)
#10534 [DB3k] Add Japanese AAV7A1 mech platoons (IOC 2017)
#10166 Russian Project 636 (Vashavyanka-class / Improved Kilo) subs can
fire Kalibr cruise missile
#10235 Add HIMARS arty system to UAE (2013)
#10129 DB3K Update: Turkish AMRAAM Loadout Fix
#02665 USMC Rifle Battalion Components
#10339 DB3k: Add Taiwanese Chapparal (Taiwan Army 1984)
#10218 [DB3k update] Sensor issue on A389 Wave Knight
#10522 [DB3k] Need one more version of US AE's
#10343 DB3k: Singapore AAA, SHORAD, Radar
 FIXED: Submarine on land-attack mission doesn't always move

 A-12A Avenger II -- United States (Navy), 2018
 An-2T Colt -- Estonia [1992-] (Air Force), 1992
 AS.365N3+ Dauphin 2 -- Lithuania [1992-] (Air Force), 2016
 C-212-200 Aviocar MPA -- Sweden (Coast Guard), 1988-2007, 3x
 C-27J Spartan -- Lithuania [1992-] (Air Force), 2008, Impr G.222
 C-295M -- Finland (Air Force), 2008, 2x
 C-295M [Dragon Shield ELINT] -- Finland (Air Force), 2013, 1x
 CMV-22B Osprey -- United States (Navy), 2022
 Dash-8-300 MPA -- Iceland (Coast Guard), 2009
 EF2000 Eurofighter Typhoon -- Kuwait (Air Force), 2020, 22x
 EF2000 Eurofighter Typhoon Two-Seater -- Kuwait (Air Force), 2020, 6x
 F.27-200 Friendship -- Iceland (Coast Guard), 1978-2008
 F/A-18A+ Hornet -- United States (Marine Corps), 2018, Litening AT, AIM-
 F/A-18A+ Hornet -- United States (Navy), 2018, AIM-120D
 F/A-18C Hornet -- United States (Marine Corps), 2018, Litening AT, AIM-
 F/A-18C Hornet -- United States (Navy), 2018, AIM-120D
 F/A-18D Hornet -- United States (Marine Corps), 2018, Litening AT, AIM-
 F/A-18D Hornet [ATARS Recon] -- United States (Marine Corps), 2018, 3x
pr Squadron, Litening AT, AIM-120D
 F-14E Advanced Super Tomcat-21 [AST-21] -- United States (Navy), 2018
 F-14E Super Tomcat-21 [ST-21] -- United States (Navy), 2018
 F-14E Tomcat Quickstrike -- United States (Navy), 2018
 KC-130J Hercules -- Italy (Air Force), 2016, 2x
 L-39C Albatros -- Lithuania [1992-] (Air Force), 1995, 4x
 L-39ZA Albatros -- Lithuania [1992-] (Air Force), 1999, 2x
 L-39ZA Albatros -- Syria (Air Force), 1984
 MH-60R Seahawk -- Denmark (Navy), 2017, 9x
 Mi-28NE Havoc -- Algeria (Army), 2016, 42x
 Mi-8AMTSh Hip H -- Russia [1992-] (Army), 2012
 Mi-8MTV-1 Hip H -- Latvia [1992-] (Army), 2000
 Mi-8T Hip C -- Lithuania [1992-] (Air Force), 1994
 Mi-17V5 Hip H Indian Army 2008
 MiG-23P Flogger G -- Soviet Union [-1991] (Air Defence Troops [PVO]),
1981-1991, PVO-Only
 MiG-35 Foxglove [MiG 1.42 MFI] -- Russia [1992-] (Air Force), 2015
 RAQ-25 Stingray UCAV -- United States (Navy), 2020, Ex-X-47B, ExCBARS,
 SA.332L1 Super Puma -- Iceland (Coast Guard), 1996
 Su-25UTG Frogfoot B [Armed] -- Russia [1992-] (Navy), 1995
 Su-25UTG Frogfoot B [Armed] -- Russia [1992-] (Navy), 2013
 Su-30SM Flanker G -- Russia [1992-] (Navy), 2015, New-built, 12x
 Su-35K Flanker E -- China (Air Force), 2018, 24x, Su-27M
 Tu-214VPU -- Russia [1992-] (Air Force), 2015, 1x, Command Post
 Yak-141 Freestyle -- Russia [1992-] (Navy), 2015, Yak-41
 331 Martadinata [Sigma 10514] -- Indonesia (Navy), 2018, 2x
 341 El Yadekh [37.5m Patrol Boat, Kebir Class] -- Algeria (Navy), 1983,
Brooke Marine, 76mm gun
 343 El Kechef [37.5m Patrol Boat, Kebir Class] -- Algeria (Navy), 1984,
Brooke Marine, 25mm gun
 40 Katanpaa -- Finland (Navy), 2013, 2x SeaFox Inspection ROV
 421 Orkan [Pr.660] -- Poland (Navy), 2007, All Ships
 421 Orkan [Pr.660] -- Poland (Navy), 2015, All Ships, 4x RB 15 in
 508 Provider -- Canada (Navy), 1964-1998
 876 Pansio -- Finland (Navy), 1992, Ex-576
 910 Harrad [Meko A-200AN] -- Algeria (Navy), 2016
 A 230 Admiral Pitka -- Estonia [1992-] (Navy), 2001-2013
 CL 02 O Higgins [Brooklyn Class] -- Chile (Navy), 1951-1991, Ex-CL 40
 DD 16 Ministro Zenteno [Sumner FRAM 2 Class] -- Chile (Navy), 1974-
 F 105 Cristobal Colon [Modified Alvaro De Bazan Class] -- Spain (Navy),
 F 11 Zemaitis [Grisha III, Pr.1124M Albatros] -- Lithuania [1992-] (Navy),
 ICGV Aegir -- Iceland (Coast Guard), 1969
 ICGV Aegir -- Iceland (Coast Guard), 1992
 ICGV Aegir -- Iceland (Coast Guard), 2012
 ICGV Odinn -- Iceland (Coast Guard), 1961
 ICGV Odinn -- Iceland (Coast Guard), 1990-2006
 ICGV Thor -- Iceland (Coast Guard), 2012
 M 01 Viesturs [Type 89.1 Kondor I] -- Latvia [1992-] (Navy), 1995-2008
 M 04 Imanta [Tripartite Class] -- Latvia [1992-] (Navy), 2008, 2x PAP 104
Mk5 ROVs, Ex-Dutch
 M 411 Vambola [Type 89.1 Kondor I] -- Estonia [1992-] (Navy), 1994-2000
 M 53 Skalvis [Hunt Class] -- Lithuania [1992-] (Navy), 2012, 2x SeaFox
Inspection ROV
 M313 Admiral Cowan [Sandown Class] -- Estonia [1992-] (Navy), 2008, 2x
SeaFox Inspection ROV
 N42 Jotvingis [Vidar Class] -- Lithuania [1992-] (Navy), 2006, ExNorwegian

 P 05 Skrunda -- Latvia [1992-] (Navy), 2011
 P 11 Zemaitis [Stanflex 300] -- Lithuania [1992-] (Navy), 2009, Ex-Danish
 P 31 Dzukas [Storm Class] -- Lithuania [1992-] (Navy), 1996, ExNorwegian

 PTF 80 Guacolda -- Chile (Navy), 1962-1997
 RK Tarantul II [Pr.1241.1T] -- Russia [1992-] (Navy), 1992-2002
 RK Tarantul III [Pr.1241.1MR] -- Russia [1992-] (Navy), 1992
 RK Tarantul III Mod [Pr.1241.1M] -- Russia [1992-] (Navy), 2006, 1x, R-60
 RKR Marshal Ustinov [Pr.1164 Atlant] -- Russia [1992-] (Navy), 1992
 RKR Marshal Ustinov [Pr.1164 Atlant] -- Russia [1992-] (Navy), 2015
 RKR Marshal Ustinov [Pr.1164 Atlant] -- Soviet Union [-1991] (Naval Fleet
[V-MF]), 1987-1991
 RKR Petr Velikiy [Pr.1144.2 Orlan, Ex-Yuri Androvo] -- Russia [1992-]
(Navy), 2023
 Type 053H1 Jianghu II Mod [555 Zhaotong] -- China (Navy), 1988, PL-8H
 Type 053H1 Jianghu II Mod [555 Zhaotong] -- China (Navy), 1999, PL-9
 Type 89.1 Kondor I -- Germany [DDR, -1990] (Navy), 1970-1990
 Type 89.2 Kondor II -- Germany [DDR, -1990] (Navy), 1972-1990
 Add Ship 3023 T-AE 26 Kiluaea United States Navy 1998-2004
 Add Ship 3024 T-AE 27 Butte [Kilauea]United States Navy 1996-2011
 Add Ship 3025 DKA Dyugon [Pr.2182.0]Russia Navy 2011 x 5
 Add Ship 3026 Shikishima Japan Coast Guard 1992 x 2
 Add Ship 3027 PL 61 Hateruna Japan Coast Guard 2008 x 9
 Add Ship 3028 471 SDK Polnochny B [Pr.771]Algeria Navy 1977, 1, 470
 Add Ship 3029 RK Osa II [Pr.205ER]Algeria Navy 1978-2000, 9x
 Add Ship 3030 RI Osa I [Pr.205] Algeria Navy 1967-200, 3x
 Add Ship 3031 Kalaat Beni Hammed Algeria Navy 1985 2x

 Mk18 Mod 1 Swordfish [Remus 100] ROV -- United States (Navy), 2008,
Mine Hunting/Killing Vehicle
 PAP 104 Mk5 ROV -- Latvia [1992-] (Navy), 2008, Tripartite Class, Mine
Hunting/Killing Vehicle
 S 119 Astute -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 2022
 S 28 Vanguard -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 2022
 S 40 Riachuelo [Scorpene] -- Brazil (Navy), 2018
 Seafox I [Inspection Vehicle] ROV -- Finland (Navy), 2013, Katanpaa
Class, Mine Hunting/Killing Vehicle
 Seafox I [Inspection Vehicle] ROV -- Lithuania [1992-] (Navy), 2012, Hunt
Class, Mine Hunting/Killing Vehicle
 Sinpo -- North Korea (Navy), 2017, Ballistic Missile
 SSBN 627 James Madison -- United States (Navy), 1978, Poseidon C3
 SSBN 627 James Madison -- United States (Navy), 1981-1995, Poseidon

 Inf Sec (SAS [NVG]) -- United Kingdom (Army)
 Inf Sec (SAS Recon [NVG]) -- United Kingdom (Army)
 Inf Sec (SBS [NVG]) -- United Kingdom (Army)
 Inf Sec (SBS Recon [NVG]) -- United Kingdom (Army)
 Mech Inf Plt (M2A3 Bradley AFV x 4) -- United States (Army), 2009
 Mech Inf Plt (M3A3 Bradley AFV x 4) -- United States (Army), 2009,
Cavalry Scout
 Radar (Gage [R-113 Kama]) -- Soviet Union [-1991] (Air Defence Troops
[PVO]), 1956-1982, SA-1 Guild
 SAM Bty (SA-1a Guild [S-25 Berkut]) -- Soviet Union [-1991] (Air Defence
Troops [PVO]), 1956-1962
 SAM Bty (SA-1b Guild [S-25M Berkut]) -- Soviet Union [-1991] (Air
Defence Troops [PVO]), 1962-1988
 Add Facility 2780 2:58 Howitzer x 6) Malaysia Army 1989
 Add Facility 2786 SAM Sqn (Bloodhound 2)--Singapore (Army) 1974-
1990, 2 Sec
 Add Facility 2787 SAM Sec (SA-18 Grouse[9k38 Igla]MANPADS x 3)--
 Add Facility 2788 Radar (AN/TPS-43)Singapore Air Force 1975
 Add Facility 2789 Radar (AR-320) Singapore Air Force 1983 x 1
 Add Facility 2791 Plt (Mistral I MANPADS x 3) Singapore Army 1996
 Add Facility 2792 SAM Sec (SA-16 Gimlet [9k310-Igla-1]MANPADS x
3)Peru 1994
 Add Facility 2793 Radar (Giraffe 40) Malaysia Airforce 1989 2x for use
with AAA
 Add Facility 2794 AAA Sec (40mm/70 Bofors x 2) Malaysia Air Force
 Add Facility 2795 Inf Plt (Royal Malay Regiment)
 Add Facility 2796 Inf Plt (Paratrooper Brigade)
 Add Facility 2797 Inf Plt (Royal Ranger Regiment) Malaysia Army 1
 Add Facility 2798 Arty Bty (ss-60 Astros II MLRS x 6), 2007 x 54
 Add Facility 2799 Sec (FN-6 MANPADS) Malaysia Army 2009
 Add Facility 2801 Mech Inf Plt (Adnan AIFV x 3) Malaysia Army 2004
 Add Facility 2802 Armored Plt (Scorpion 90 Light Tank x 3) Malaysia Army
 Add Facility 2803 SAM Plt/2 (Chaparral x 2) Taiwan Army 2000
 Add Facility 2804 SAM Plt/2 (Chaparral x 2) Taiwan Army 1987
 Add Facility 2805 Inf Plt (Marines) China Navy
 Add Facility 2806 Inf Plt (Paratroopers) China Army
 Add Facility 2807 Art Plt (HIMARS) UAE Army 2013
 Add Facility 2808 SAM Plt (Starstreak LML) Thailand Army 2012
 Add Facility 2809 Arty Bty (155mm/39 Type 74 Self-Propelled Howitzer x
6) Japan Army 1976
 Add Facility 2810 Art Bty (155mm/52 Type 99 Self-Propelled Howitzer x
6)Japan Army 1999
 Add Facility 2811 Art Bty (203mm/25 M110 Self-Propelled Howitzer x
6Japan Army 1963
 Add Facility 2813 Arty Bty (155mm/45 PLZ-45 Self-Propelled Howitzer x
6)Saudi Arabia Army 2009
 Add Facility 2814 Arty Bty (155mm/45 PLZ-45 Self-Propelled Howitzer x
6)Algeria Army 2009
 Add Facility 2815 Mech Inf Sec (AAV-P7A1 IFV x 3)Japan Army 2017
 Add Facility 2816 Arty Bty (2B17 Tornado G MLRS x 6) Russia Army 2012
Grad Replacement
 Add Facility 2817 Armored Plt (AMX-56 Leclerc MBT) UAE Army 1995
 Add Facility 2818 Mech Inf Plt (BMP-3 IFV x 3) UAE Army 1993
 Add Facility 2819 Inf Plt UAE Army UAE Army 00
 Add Facility 2820 Armored Plt (M60A3 Patton MBT x 3)Saudi Arabia Army
 Add Facility 2821 Armored Plt (M1A2 Abrams MBT x 3)Saudi Arabia Army
 Add Facility 2822 Mech Inf Plt (M2A2 Bradley AFV x 3) Saudi Arabia Army
 Add Facility 2823 Ary Bty (152mm/34 2s3 Akatsiya M1973 Self Propelled
Howitzer) Algeria Army 1986 x30
 Add Facility 2824 Arty Bty (122mm/36 2S1 Gvozdika M1974 SelfPropelled
Howitzer x 6) Algeria Army 2960 x144
 Add Facility 2825 Armored Plt (T-72 MBT x 4) Algeria Army 1986
 Add Facility 2826 Armored Plt (T-72BM MBT x 4)Algeria Army 2000
 Add Facility 2827 Armored Plt (T-90S MBT x 4) Algeria Army 2008
 Add Facility 2828 Mech Inf Plt (BMP-1(AT-3 Sagger A)IFV x 3) Algeria
Army 1974
 Add Facility 2829 Mech Inf Plt (BMP-2 IFV x3)Algeria Army 1990
 Add Facility 2831 Arty Bty (BM-30 Smerch MLRS x 6)Algeria Army 2000 x
 Add Facility 2832 AAA Plt/2(23mm ZSU-23-4 Shilka x 2)Algeria Army
 Add Facility 2833 Inf Plt (Peoples National Army) Algeria Army
 Add Facility 2834 Arty Bty (BM-21 Grad MLRS x 6) Algeria Army 1998
 Add Facility 2836 Arty Bty (122mm/38 D-30 2A18 Towed Howitzer x
6)Algeria Army
 Add Facility 2837 AAA Sec (23mm ZU-23-2 x 2)Algeria Army 1969
 Add Facility 2838 Motor Rifle Plt (BTR-80 APC x 3) Algeria Army 1995-
 Add Facility 2839 Motor Rifle Plt (BTR-60 APC x 3)Algeria Army 1980-
 Add Facility 2840 Motor Rifle Plt (TPz Fuchs APC x 3) Algeria Army 2014
 Add Facility 2841 (AN/TPS-70) Algeria Air Force 2001 4x
 Add Faciltity 2812 Plt/2 (20mm/85 VADS[Vulcan M163A2]Japan Army
 Add Faciltiy 2790 Radar (AN/TPS-77) Singapore Air Force 1997 1
 Add Faciltiy 2830 Mech Inf Plt (BMP-3 IFV x 3)Algeria Army 2005
 Add Faciltiy 2842 SAM Sec (SA-7B Grail [9k32m Strela -2m]Manpads x 3
Algerian Army 1980
 Add Facilty 2835 Arty Bty (BM-27 Urugan MLRS x 6) Algeria Army 1978
 Add satellite 81 Huanjing [SAR Optical] China (generic) 2012, 3x Triplet
 Add Satellite 82 Bars-M [Electro Optical]2015, Russia
 57mm Model 1898 Hotchkiss 6-pdr
 AGM-84N Harpoon II+ -- 2018
 BGM-71G TOW 2B Aero Wireless -- 2009
 NK-11 Nodong-D [10kT Nuclear] -- 2016
 NK-11 Nodong-D RV [10kT Nuclear]
 PL-8C [Python 3] -- AAM
 RIM-174A-2 ERAM SM-6MR Blk IA -- 2018, Anti-Ship Mod
 SA-1a Guild [S-25 Berkut / V-300] -- 1956
 SA-1b Guild [S-25M Berkut / V-300] -- 1962, SAM-217M
 SA-N-22 Greyhound [57E6]
 SS-N-33 [3M22 Zircon]
 Add mount 2930 155mm/39 Type 74 Howitzer
 Add mount 2931 155mm/39 Type 99 Self Propelled Howitzer
 Add Mount 2932 Tornado G
 Add Mount 2933 Bushmaster II MK44 Mod 2
 Add Warhead 1108 9M218 (45) .5kg
 Add Warhead 1109 9M217 (2 SFW) Anti-Tank cluster bomb submunitions
 Add weapon 3364 155mm/30 HE
 Add weapon 3365 155mm/30 HE Rocket Assisted
 Add Weapon 3366 9M5521 122mm Rocket [Tornado G]
 Add Weapon 3367 9M218 122mm HE Cluster Rocket Tornado G
 Add weapon 3368 122mm Anti Tank Cluster Rocket
+ ca 1800 pre-defined aircraft loadouts

Avatar de Usuario
KL Albrecht Achilles
General de Ejército
General de Ejército
Mensajes: 12944
Registrado: 27 Ago 2009, 03:16
Ubicación: Venezuela

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por KL Albrecht Achilles »

Seaman escribió:Actualización disponible! Ya se liberó la v 1.11

Saludos :cool2:

It matters not how strait the gate. How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. - From "Invictus", poem by William Ernest Henley
Teniente Primero
Teniente Primero
Mensajes: 1002
Registrado: 17 Jun 2015, 20:15

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por Seaman »

Buenos días.

¿Cómo va la lista de usuarios del CMANO por acá?
Reportarse en este hilo los actuales usuarios y disponibilidad para testear escenarios.


Teniente Primero
Teniente Primero
Mensajes: 1002
Registrado: 17 Jun 2015, 20:15

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por Seaman »

Señores hay una actualización, se trata de la v1.11 Service Release 1, que viene básicamente a pulir la versión v1.11 y a solventar uno que otro bug de la misma.

Resumen de lo que trae:

v1.11 SR1 (a.k.a. Build 839) does not feature any new earth-shattering features (the megaton release of v1.11 takes care of that for a while) but it does include a number of additions and improvements that have been popular with players and should enhance your playing experience even more.
As a quick overview:
Stick-bombing mechanics have been thoroughly overhauled and adjusted to more closely match known historical examples (the Black Buck raid on Port Stanley, Vietnam bombing patterns, Desert Storm attacks etc.). As an extra visual aid, all unguided weapon impacts (both hits and misses) are displayed for a few seconds on the tactical map. (Watching the crater pattern of a B-52 “Arc Light” pass never gets old…)
Much improved support for high-DPI (>150% font) desktop settings. This should help players who run Command on very high-resolution monitors (4K / UHD etc.). This is an ongoing endeavor and more tweaks will be forthcoming in near-future releases.
When using the "zoom to the cursor position" option, after zooming the mouse cursor re-centers on the map. This mirrors the Google Maps cursor behavior and makes mouse-zooming more efficient.
A surprisingly frequent user request: The spacebar (instead of F12) now pauses/resumes the simulation.
Command can now load and run much larger scenarios (>10.000 active units) and is generally more robust against memory-exhaustion issues.
Non-navigation zones and exclusion zones can now be enabled/disabled dynamically mid-scenario instead of always existing. This can be accomplished both through the ScenEdit interface and through Lua – the latter option naturally offering much greater flexibility and power.
In addition, v1.11 SR1 offers a new database refresh (v445) with the usual mile-long list of tweaks and additions, as well as a handy compendium of bug fixes and minor functionality tweaks.

Así que a actualizar!!!

Teniente Primero
Teniente Primero
Mensajes: 1002
Registrado: 17 Jun 2015, 20:15

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por Seaman »

Se ha liberado el segundo DLC del CMANO, ambientado en Corea y que incluye nuevas características muy interesantes, como operaciones de carga, modelo de daños en aviones, EMP, rail guns, entre otras. Más info por acá:

El costo, 19,99 $.


Avatar de Usuario
KL Albrecht Achilles
General de Ejército
General de Ejército
Mensajes: 12944
Registrado: 27 Ago 2009, 03:16
Ubicación: Venezuela

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por KL Albrecht Achilles »

It matters not how strait the gate. How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. - From "Invictus", poem by William Ernest Henley
Mensajes: 874
Registrado: 27 Dic 2006, 00:10

Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. Ampliar base de datos

Mensaje por camiluri »

Y qué pasó con este tema? y con todo lo ofrecido?

¿Quién está conectado?

Usuarios navegando por este Foro: CommonCrawl [Bot] y 0 invitados