Fuerzas Armadas de Venezuela (2008-2010)

Aspectos generales de las Fuerzas Armadas de toda Latinoamérica que no entran en los demás foros (los Ejércitos, Armadas y Fuerzas Aéreas se tratan en sus foros).
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General de Brigada
General de Brigada
Mensajes: 4712
Registrado: 11 Ago 2008, 20:45

Mensaje por Malcomn »

Cualquier paìs que tenga una pizca de dignidad debe declarar a este señor como "persona no grata"

Debería meterse la lengua al ...bolsillo. No es su función criticar como Embajador a las FFAA del paìs donde cumple su Misión Diplomática

¿O es que acaso se busca la generación de un impasse?

GRUMO lo ha dicho ante el senado norteamericano. No en una convocación de prensa en Caracas...

Y es perfectamente logico que hable sob re la situación de las FFAA, ese señor sera posiblemente el embajador yankee en Venezuela, y la situación actual con una posible escalada militar es más que motivo suficiente para que el senado se interese en saber que ocurre por alli y como estarian las cosas en caso de conflicto. Si el que sera embajador no tiene conocimientos sobre ello más vale quitarlo y poner a otro que si los tenga.

Y no olvides que la mision diplomatica no la cumple para Venezuela, sino para los EEUU.

Ojo a los gringos....No son santos

Como ningun pais lo es, supongo ¿Verdad, mi estimado? :cool:

Última edición por Malcomn el 04 Ago 2010, 14:34, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
Mensajes: 12515
Registrado: 14 Ago 2005, 06:32

Mensaje por GRUMO »

Malcomn escribió:
Cualquier paìs que tenga una pizca de dignidad debe declarar a este señor como "persona no grata"

Debería meterse la lengua al ...bolsillo. No es su función criticar como Embajador a las FFAA del paìs donde cumple su Misión Diplomática

¿O es que acaso se busca la generación de un impasse?

GRUMO lo ha dicho ante el senado norteamericano. No en una convocación de prensa en Caracas...

Y es perfectamente logico que hable sob re la situación de las FFAA, ese señor sera posiblemente el embajador yankee en Venezuela, y la situación actual con una posible escalada militar es más que motivo suficiente para que el senado se interese en saber que ocurre por alli y como estarian las cosas en caso de conflicto. Si el que sera embajador no tiene conocimientos sobre ello más vale quitarlo y poner a otro que si los tenga.

Y no olvides que la mision diplomatica no la cumple para Venezuela, sino para los EEUU.

Ojo a los gringos....No son santos

Como ningun pais lo es, supongo ¿Verdad, mi estimado? :cool:


Estimado Malcom

Cambiemos los roles

Que el embajador de Venezuela en EEUU hubiese dicho lo mismo en su pais referente a las FFAA del pais donde ejerce su misión

En dos patadas lo hubiesen declarado persona no grata

No dudo de la facultad que tiene de hablar , sino que me parece un desatino hacerlo de manera tan abierta.

¿O quizas fué un trascendido de una sesion reservada?..No tengo la información

En resumen

Si es un trascendido, hay maquinaciones para crear un conflicto

Si ha sido hecho de manera abierta, es un completo desatino ¿O no?

Cierto, ningún pais es santo, por ello tomemos las cosas con pinzas, enfriemos la cosa y veamosla en su real valia o intencionalidad

Saludos cordiales


¡Somos o no pilotos de combate!.... ya, que nos den otra misión y salimos 3 o 4 fierros, rasanteamos hasta donde podamos y si nos van tumbando.... nos tumbaron pues.... pero por lo menos uno llega y rompe.... así no regresemos los demás.... total para eso nos hemos formado, para eso estamos preparados, y si vamos a morir.... bueno nos inmolamos por la patria, es la oportunidad de demostrar lo que somos y valemos”. Coronel FAP Marco Antonio Schenone Oliva , piloto muerto en el Cenepa
Mensajes: 585
Registrado: 20 Sep 2005, 04:22

Mensaje por Carlitos »

Onirico escribió:De David P.

De hecho, tambien se nos ofrecieron los Oerlikon:

Skyshield 35 Ahead.
Millennium (los mismos pero cañones navales)
Y todo el sistema de mando y control con sus radares y estaciones.

Pero como estan en la onda Rusa....


Y nos fuimos por el más cutre...Zu-23.


Venezuela comprará ZU-23??

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General de Cuerpo de Ejército
General de Cuerpo de Ejército
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Registrado: 10 Ago 2009, 19:56

Mensaje por SAETA2003 »

Carlitos escribió:
Onirico escribió:De David P.

De hecho, tambien se nos ofrecieron los Oerlikon:

Skyshield 35 Ahead.
Millennium (los mismos pero cañones navales)
Y todo el sistema de mando y control con sus radares y estaciones.

Pero como estan en la onda Rusa....


Y nos fuimos por el más cutre...Zu-23.


Venezuela comprará ZU-23??

si asi es, esa noticia ya tiene varias semanas.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
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General de Brigada
General de Brigada
Mensajes: 4712
Registrado: 11 Ago 2008, 20:45

Mensaje por Malcomn »

En dos patadas lo hubiesen declarado persona no grata

Si hubiese que declarar no grata a cada persona del gobierno venezolano que suelta un improperio no habría delegación de alli que entrara ni en el más remoto de los paises del mundo.

Solo hay que ver las declaraciones y la forma de referirse a los demas que sueltan los cancilleres, embajadores, diputados, el propio presidente y hasta el tribunal de justicia de allí. Podemos buscar amplias frases llenas de adjetivos "alegres" para EEUU, Israel, España, el Reino Unido, Colombia y cualquiera que no haya dicho "Si moana" a todo lo que se le ocurran por allá. Y no ante ningun senado ni organo oficial, sino ante la prensa mundial y con "celebridades" al lado como si de un vulgar programa de salsa rosa se tratase la diplomacia internacional.

Insisto, se quedan sin personal en todos lados.

No dudo de la facultad que tiene de hablar , sino que me parece un desatino hacerlo de manera tan abierta.

No creo que hacer declaraciones ante el senado sea hablar de forma tan abierta. Sino puedes expresar los problemas que hay con Venezuela de forma clara ni ante tus propios organos legislativos (que son quienes determinaran como se actuara), mal vamos.

¿O quizas fué un trascendido de una sesion reservada?..No tengo la información

Ignoro si existen tales sesiones o no en el senado norteamericano. Pero hasta sesiones muy importantes como declaraciones de guerra, o discursos famosos como el del arsenal de la democracia fueron públicos. Y eso si que fue toda una declaracion de intenciones... asi que...

Si es un trascendido, hay maquinaciones para crear un conflicto

Sinceramente, no creo que sea una maquinacion para crear ningun conflicto. ¿Un conflicto contra quien? Si USA quiere invadir Venezuela esta ha comprado ya suficientes papeletas para llevarse el premio, solo con el apoyo a Irán podria llevarse el gordo, no hace falta inventarse historia alguna. Y diga lo que diga USA, Colombia no sera quien ataque (sencillamente por pura inferioridad material), asi que...

Esto es algo mucho más sencillo, al senado le preocupa la situación en Venezuela, y una posible escalada belica en la región y quiere saber como esta la situación y que ocurriria en caso de esta. Cuanto tienen de cierto la denuncia colombiana o hasta que punto realmente llega el apoyo cubano despues de que Castro haya dicho que entraria en guerra junto a ellos. Me parece bastante logico hacer una sesión de control para dar respuesta a esas cuestiones.

Si ha sido hecho de manera abierta, es un completo desatino ¿O no?

A mi la verdad es que no me lo parece. Que haya a quien le pueda molestar, claro. No me cabe duda. De que hay incluso a quien le molestaria aún cuando no abriese ni la boca, tambien. En lo personal ya digo que me parece normal.

Cierto, ningún pais es santo, por ello tomemos las cosas con pinzas, enfriemos la cosa y veamosla en su real valia o intencionalidad

No todo es una conspiración, mi estimado, de hecho, normalmente pocas cosas lo son. Es más facil explicar las cosas por torpeza o inutilidad que por extrañas conjuras.

Un saludo estimado.
Última edición por Malcomn el 04 Ago 2010, 20:06, editado 3 veces en total.

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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
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Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

GRUMO escribió:
Malcomn escribió:
Cualquier paìs que tenga una pizca de dignidad debe declarar a este señor como "persona no grata"

Debería meterse la lengua al ...bolsillo. No es su función criticar como Embajador a las FFAA del paìs donde cumple su Misión Diplomática

¿O es que acaso se busca la generación de un impasse?

GRUMO lo ha dicho ante el senado norteamericano. No en una convocación de prensa en Caracas...

Y es perfectamente logico que hable sob re la situación de las FFAA, ese señor sera posiblemente el embajador yankee en Venezuela, y la situación actual con una posible escalada militar es más que motivo suficiente para que el senado se interese en saber que ocurre por alli y como estarian las cosas en caso de conflicto. Si el que sera embajador no tiene conocimientos sobre ello más vale quitarlo y poner a otro que si los tenga.

Y no olvides que la mision diplomatica no la cumple para Venezuela, sino para los EEUU.

Ojo a los gringos....No son santos

Como ningun pais lo es, supongo ¿Verdad, mi estimado? :cool:


Estimado Malcom

Cambiemos los roles

Que el embajador de Venezuela en EEUU hubiese dicho lo mismo en su pais referente a las FFAA del pais donde ejerce su misión

En dos patadas lo hubiesen declarado persona no grata

No dudo de la facultad que tiene de hablar , sino que me parece un desatino hacerlo de manera tan abierta.

¿O quizas fué un trascendido de una sesion reservada?..No tengo la información

Estimado Grumo,

Se trataba de una comunicación ostensiblemente PRIVADA entre el Embajador Palmer y el Sen. Richard Lugar. Respuestas escritas a un cuestionario de 26 páginas. Cuando un miembro del Comité de Política Exterior del Senado (y en este caso el líder de la bancada Republicana en el comité) pide la opinión de un Embajador, éste tiene que responderle.

Una pena que una comunicación privada acabó ventilada en la prensa. Ahora, si cada comunicación de cada diplomático extranjero en Venezuela con su cancillería o Gobierno se ventilara en público, especialmente vis-a-vis la situación con Colombia, a Venezuela no le quedarían relaciones diplomáticas con nadie.

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
Mensajes: 12515
Registrado: 14 Ago 2005, 06:32

Mensaje por GRUMO »

Estimado Mauricio

Gracias por aclarar el panorama..Es un trascendido, y en lo personal no creo en las casualidades, sobre todo en esos niveles



¡Somos o no pilotos de combate!.... ya, que nos den otra misión y salimos 3 o 4 fierros, rasanteamos hasta donde podamos y si nos van tumbando.... nos tumbaron pues.... pero por lo menos uno llega y rompe.... así no regresemos los demás.... total para eso nos hemos formado, para eso estamos preparados, y si vamos a morir.... bueno nos inmolamos por la patria, es la oportunidad de demostrar lo que somos y valemos”. Coronel FAP Marco Antonio Schenone Oliva , piloto muerto en el Cenepa
ARV Mariscal Sucre
Mensajes: 1796
Registrado: 29 Ene 2008, 02:17

Mensaje por ARV Mariscal Sucre »

La verdad yo tampoco, para mi EEUU va a cambiar drasticamente su posición sobre Venezuela, de hacerse el que no existe a tomar cartas serias en el asunto.

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General de Brigada
General de Brigada
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Registrado: 11 Ago 2008, 20:45

Mensaje por Malcomn »

Pude que ambos lleveis razón y ese sea el caso, pero de ser asi pienso que no hara nada hasta que o bien Colombia formalize la demanda ante alguna institución más elevada (CPI o el propio Consejo de seguridad) o bien Venezuela haga alguna acción peor (recibo de tropas cubanas, o de material Irani o algun avance sobre territorio colombiano) y aún asi las acciones seguramente sean "solo" económicas.


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Registrado: 23 Dic 2009, 21:41

Mensaje por DANIEL VEGA »

Malcomn escribió:Pude que ambos lleveis razón y ese sea el caso, pero de ser asi pienso que no hara nada hasta que o bien Colombia formalize la demanda ante alguna institución más elevada (CPI o el propio Consejo de seguridad) o bien Venezuela haga alguna acción peor (recibo de tropas cubanas, o de material Irani o algun avance sobre territorio colombiano) y aún asi las acciones seguramente sean "solo" económicas.


Es un buen analisis :cool: :cool:

"La Paz es un don que se debe Ganar ... a los violentos"
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Registrado: 23 Dic 2009, 21:41

Mensaje por DANIEL VEGA »

ARV Mariscal Sucre escribió:La verdad yo tampoco, para mi EEUU va a cambiar drasticamente su posición sobre Venezuela, de hacerse el que no existe a tomar cartas serias en el asunto.

Creo Mariscal... que tienes razon... de alguna manera USA cambiara su posicion frente a Venezuela... es mas algunos senadores han empezado a surtir este cambio. :cool: :cool:

"La Paz es un don que se debe Ganar ... a los violentos"
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Registrado: 04 Dic 2005, 18:45

Mensaje por comando_pachacutec »

Bah! si Chavez no salio a patadas a los 5 min despues de que se dio esta noticia, rompiendo relaciones con USA y USA no piensa dejar de comprar petroleo Ven... son weaas

Asi de facil, para Chavez y su eterno monologo, USA es el gran enemigo y el gran comprador, y Col es su excusa para hacer cortinas de Humo y populismo.

Ahora, que tan verdad sera que la moral esta decaida en las FFAA Ven... esa informacion si es interesante para analizar y debatir.


El Comando Nunca Muere
God is Airborne, because he failed the Commando Course
Mas preocupado que Infante en bote
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José "El fugitivo&a
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Registrado: 30 Oct 2008, 19:27
Ubicación: Mas cerca de lo que ellos creen!

Mensaje por José "El fugitivo&a »

Pues hasta ahora, el "Héroe del Museo Militar" no ha dicho algo al respecto de la declaración de Palmer, "filtrada" a la prensa ayer. Solo ha salido un personajillo de tercera (Dip. Darío Vivas) ha decir lo que está escrito en la cartilla: otra actitud guerrerista del Imperio.

Como el Sr. Palmer no ha sido ni siquiera avalado por el pleno del Senado estadounidense como embajador de USA en Caracas, puede ser que Chavez no quiera pisar ese peine ahora y dejarlo para cuando de verdad sea designado, si ocurriere. Recordemos que Chavez anda con mucho cuidado con respecto a los EE.UU, necesita venderle el petróleo a ellos por que no tiene mas nadie que se lo compre en esa cantidad y con esa calidad. Hugo ha tenido muchas más razones para romper relaciones con EE.UU que con Colombia, y sin embargo no lo ha hecho, por que sabe que dependemos de ellos.

Veremos que sucede en las próximas horas. Por cierto que el señor Palmer ha dicho en sus opiniones unas verdades como castillos de grande.


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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
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Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

GRUMO escribió:Estimado Mauricio

Gracias por aclarar el panorama..Es un trascendido, y en lo personal no creo en las casualidades, sobre todo en esos niveles



Estimado Grumo,

Coincido plenamente.

Lo que queda por resolver es si trascendió por algún interés político partidista o sitrascendió por algún interés político de Estado.

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
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General de División
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Registrado: 03 Dic 2006, 02:37
Ubicación: La Fuente, Estado Nueva Esparta( un hijo er diablo)

Mensaje por GUARIPETE »

lamento mucho tener que poner el contenido en ingles pero parafrasiando a el cantante Luis Enrique " la vida es asi no la e inventado yo"

Ideologically Coherent

The authors of FM 3-05.130, far from being militarist troglodytes are knowledgeable and erudite, presenting a broad and ideologically coherent narrative that is both informative and historically intriguing in its transparency and methodological purpose. In other words, unlike their political masters, they don't pull any punches.

Right up front they inform the reader that UW establishes a "litmus test" which is warfare conducted "by, with or through surrogates" and that their preferred assets are irregular forces:

Irregulars, or irregular forces, are individuals or groups of individuals who are not members of a regular armed force, police, or other internal security force. They are usually nonstate-sponsored and unconstrained by sovereign nation legalities and boundaries. These forces may include, but are not limited to, specific paramilitary forces, contractors, individuals, businesses, foreign political organizations, resistance or insurgent organizations, expatriates, transnational terrorism adversaries, disillusioned transnational terrorism members, black marketers, and other social or political "undesirables." (Unconventional Warfare, p. 1-3)

While "conventional warfare" is viewed as a conflict between states, Irregular Warfare (IW) and UW according to FM 3-05.130 is "about people not platforms." Irregular and unconventional warfare "does not depend on military prowess alone."

It also relies on the understanding of such social dynamics as tribal politics, social networks, religious influences, and cultural mores. Although IW is a violent struggle, not all participating irregulars or irregular forces are necessarily armed. People, more so than weaponry, platforms, and advanced technology, will be the key to success in IW. Successful IW relies on building relationships and partnerships at the local level. It takes patient, persistent, and culturally savvy people within the joint force to execute IW. (Unconventional Warfare, p. 1-5)

Indeed, FM 3-05.130 explicitly states that its "strategic purpose [is] to gain or maintain control or influence over the population and to support that population through political, psychological, and economic methods." While both IW and UW seek to influence "relevant populations," UW in contrast to IW, "is always conducted by, with, or through irregular forces." In other words, local surrogates drawn from relevant far-right and/or organized crime-linked assets are the means of eliciting "influence" over "relevant populations."

In Bosnia and Kosovo during the 1990s, "irregular forces" deployed during U.S./NATO destabilization operations in the former Yugoslavia included elements of the Afghan-Arab database of disposable intelligence assets, e.g. al-Qaeda, which have been linked to the CIA, Britain's MI6, Germany's Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) and Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence agency (ISI), as well as long-established drug, arms and human trafficking networks aligned with the Albanian and Turkish Mafias. Indeed, "irregular forces" such as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) demonstrated all of these relationships in spades.

According to FM 3-05.130, the constituent elements of contemporary IW theory include: Insurgency; COIN (counterinsurgency); UW; Terrorism; CT (counterterrorism); FID (foreign internal defense); Stability, security, transition, and reconstruction (SSTR) operations; Strategic communication (SC); PSYOP; Civil-military operations (CMO); Information operations (IO); Intelligence and counterintelligence (CI) activities; Transnational criminal activities, including narco-trafficking, illicit arms dealing, and illegal financial transactions that support or sustain IW; and Law enforcement activities focused on countering irregular adversaries. (Unconventional Warfare, p. 1-5)

Its but a short step as far as it goes, from citing the elements of UW to deploying the most dubious players as strategic assets in planetary-wide U.S. destabilization operations.

The Media's Role

Explicitly stated is the media's role in advancing the goals of United States national power. As recent exposés in The New York Times and elsewhere have documented, "message force multipliers" such as retired Pentagon officials and former high-ranking officers, often linked to corporate defense firms that rely heavily on Pentagon largesse, have leveraged their expertise and conducted illegal domestic psychological operations (PSYOPS) and information warfare, with the complicity and full knowledge of the giant media firms.

It is important for the official agencies of government, including the armed forces, to recognize the fundamental role of the media as a conduit of information. The USG uses SC to provide top-down guidance for using the informational instrument of national power through coordinated information, themes, messages, and products synchronized with the other instruments of national power. The armed forces support SC themes and messages through IO, public affairs (PA), and defense support to public diplomacy (DSPD). The armed forces must assure media access consistent with classification requirements, operations security, legal restrictions, and individual privacy. The armed forces must also provide timely and accurate information to the public. Success in military operations depends on acquiring and integrating essential information and denying it to the adversary. The armed forces are responsible for conducting IO, protecting what should not be disclosed, and aggressively attacking adversary information systems. IO may involve complex legal and policy issues that require approval, review, and coordination at the national level. (Unconventional Warfare, p. 2-2)

Indeed, as the authors aver, since UW consists of operations conducted "by, with or through irregular forces," engagement with the "human terrain" is "fundamentally a conflict of ideas"! In a nutshell, the "human terrain" explicitly includes the American public who are also the targets of Pentagon propagandistic "information operations." This is stated explicitly:

By contrast, USG-controlled specific instruments of informational power, while narrower in scope, can achieve specific and measurable results useful to prosecuting UW. ARSOF [Army Special Operations Forces] can work with DOS [Department of State] counterparts to identify and engage select TAs [target audiences] that are able to influence behavior within a UWOA [unconventional warfare operating area]. Such TAs may be inside the UWOA itself or outside but able to influence the UWOA. The USG can then subject these TAs, directly or indirectly, to a DOS public diplomacy (PD) campaign coordinated to support the UW effort. Similarly, since UW may be a long-duration or politically sensitive effort, ARSOF and its DOS partner, the Bureau of Public Affairs, can craft a PA campaign intended to keep the U.S. domestic audience informed of the truth in a manner supportive of USG goals and the effective prosecution of UW. (Unconventional Warfare, p. 2-3)

Economic Subversion

For the authors of FM 3-05.130, "properly integrated manipulation of economic power can and should be a component of UW." Never mind that such "manipulation" can and did result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings in Iraq prior to the 2003 U.S. invasion and occupation as well as in a score of other nations that have defied the U.S.

The cases of Chile and Nicaragua are instructive in this regard, where the disgraced president, Richard Nixon, vowed to "make the economy scream," prior to the 1973 coup, or the crippling sanctions and economic embargo imposed on Nicaragua's Sandinista government. Various sanctions regimes unambiguously "can build and sustain international coalitions waging or supporting U.S. UW campaigns." A similar methodology is being applied today against Iran as "punishment" for its legal development of civilian nuclear power.

Like all other instruments of U.S. national power, the use and effects of economic "weapons" are interrelated and they must be coordinated carefully. Once again, ARSOF must work carefully with the DOS and intelligence community (IC) to determine which elements of the human terrain in the UWOA are most susceptible to economic engagement and what second- and third-order effects are likely from such engagement. The United States Agency for International Development's (USAID's) placement abroad and its mission to engage human groups provide one channel for leveraging economic incentives. The DOC's can similarly leverage its routine influence with U.S. corporations active abroad. Moreover, the IO effects of economic promises kept (or ignored) can prove critical to the legitimacy of U.S. UW efforts. UW practitioners must plan for these effects. (Unconventional Warfare, p. 2-7)

Indeed, ARSOF plans for waging UW take an integrated approach and assert that they "can and should exploit the active and analytical capabilities existing in the financial instruments of U.S. power." The application of financial warfare however, including the "persuasive influence" of state and nonstate "actors" regarding the availability and terms "of loans, grants, or other financial assistance" is predicated on towing the U.S. line. The authors aver that "such application of financial power must be part of a circumspect, integrated, a"nd consistent UW plan." In other words, threats, bribery and economic subversion generally can work wonders in getting the attention of recalcitrant states not "on board" with the U.S.

y mucho mucho mas importante y a lugar esto: :wink:

Narcotrafficking Networks and the "Global War on Terror"

For decades, investigative journalists, researchers and analysts have noted the symbiotic relationship amongst international narcotrafficking syndicates, neofascist political groups, U.S. intelligence agencies and U.S. Special Forces in the war against leftist adversaries.

Dozens of books and hundreds of articles by journalists and writers such as Alfred W. McCoy, Peter Dale Scott, Henrik Krüger, Robert Parry, Gary Webb, Jonathan Marshall, Douglas Valentine, Daniel Hopsicker, Bill Conroy as well as exposés by former DEA investigators such as Michael Levine and Celerino Castillo III, have documented the long and bloody history of U.S. complicity in the global drugs trade.

While the United States has pumped billions of dollars into so-called drug eradication programs in target countries such as Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Afghanistan and Mexico through ill-conceived projects such as Plan Colombia and the Mérida Initiative, also know as Plan Mexico, recent reports, most notably by The Narco News Bulletin, have documented the close interrelationships amongst narcotraffickers, rightist extremists, political elites and U.S. intelligence agencies.

Indeed, investigative journalist Bill Conroy recently documented how a U.S. trained and equipped special operations group within the Mexican army (the Zetas) "is now assisting the Mexican military in its narco-trafficking operations along the border."

None of this however, phases the authors of Unconventional Warfare. And why should it. As they themselves describe the doctrine, unconventional warfare is "conducted by, with, or through surrogates; and such surrogates must be irregular forces," the next logical step in the equation is the utilization of transnational criminal networks to advance U.S. national power. The section, "Law Enforcement Instrument of United States National Power and Unconventional Warfare," states this explicitly: no tinfoil hat needed here!

Actors engaged in supporting elements in the UWOA may rely on criminal activities, such as smuggling, narcotics, or human trafficking. Political and military adversaries in the UWOA will exhibit the same sensitivity to official exposure and engagement because criminal entities routinely seek to avoid law enforcement. Sometimes, political and military adversaries are simultaneously criminal adversaries, which ARSOF UW planners must consider a threat. At other times, the methods and networks of real or perceived criminal entities can be useful as supporting elements of a U.S.-sponsored UW effort. In either case, ARSOF understand the importance of coordinating military intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) for specific UW campaigns with the routine intelligence activities conducted by U.S. law enforcement agencies. (Unconventional Warfare, p. 2-7)

During subversive operations by U.S. ARSOF soldiers in target areas, indigenous networks, many of whom are linked to far-right and narcotrafficking groups (Nicaragua, Bosnia, Kosovo), including "former" allies such as al-Qaeda, are referred to as "The Underground" and "The Auxiliary" in FM 3-05.130. Details however, are few and far between and the authors state unambiguously:

There is more SF participation in developing and advising underground [and auxiliary] elements than is widely understood or acknowledged. Most such participation is classified and inappropriate for inclusion in this manual. (Unconventional Warfare, p. 5-5)

Preparing the ground for U.S. attacks and/or subversive operations by proxy forces aligned with American goals are a key component of UW theory. Whether a population is "on-board" with U.S. geostrategic goals or the tactical modalities employed in such campaigns is irrelevant to the new cold warriors of the GWOT. When "persuasion" fails the muscle moves in to get the attention on the "natives."

Organization of the larger indigenous population from which the irregular forces are drawn--the mass base--must likewise be conducted primarily by the irregular organization itself under indirect guidance of SF. The primary value of the mass base to UW operations is less a matter of formal organization than of marshaling population groups to act in specific ways that support the overall UW campaign. The mass base, or general population and society at large, is recognized as an operational rather than a structural effort for ARSOF in UW. Elements of the mass base are divided into three distinct groups in relation to the cause or movement--pro, anti/con, and those who are uncommitted, undecided, or ambivalent. ARSOF, the underground, and the auxiliary then conduct irregular activities to influence or leverage these groups. These groups may be witting or unwitting of the UW nature of the operations or activities in which they are utilized. (Unconventional Warfare, p. 5-5)

In Colombia for example, U.S. "counterdrug" assistance to the corrupt Uribe government flowed directly to the narcotrafficking far-right death squad, the Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia, or AUC. Though designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. State Department, the Uribe government's military high command, directly advised by the Pentagon, funneled weapons and intelligence that was used by the narcofascists to murder union organizers, often after payment by U.S. multinational corporations such as Chiquita Brands International, of anyone the group identified as a "guerrilla."

In ARSOF parlance, AUC "influence"--dragging unsuspecting citizens off a bus and beheading them in front of their children, for example--is what is meant when corporate- or drug-linked death squads "conduct irregular activities" to "leverage these groups." But the international community has another term to describe these activities: state terrorism.

In 2004, as part of broad U.S. efforts to unseat Venezuela's socialist President Hugo Chávez, Venezuelan authorities arrested some 100 AUC fighters who were planning to attack specially-selected targets in Caracas. According to published reports, several high-ranking American and Colombian military officers were implicated in the operation.

The parapolitical scandal which continues to rock Bogotá, revealed high-level involvement by Colombia's political and military elite with the narcofascist AUC. But the scandal also revealed the involvement of the U.S. 7th Special Forces Group and the 1st Psychological Operations Battalion in directly training and advising Colombian military units responsible for the worst human rights abuses.

Numerous reports have emerged that detail these linkages, including the 2007 disclosure by the National Security Archive that Colombian Army commander General Mario Montoya "engaged in a joint operation with a Medellín-based paramilitary group. 'Operation Orion' was part of a larger military offensive in the city during 2002-03 to attack urban guerrilla networks. The sweep resulted in at least 14 deaths and dozens of disappearances. The classified intelligence report confirmed 'information provided by a proven source,' according to comments from the U.S. defense attaché included in the document."

This is but the tip of the proverbial iceberg, however.

In Afghanistan, the world's number one producer and processor of opium and its finished "product" heroin, bound for European and U.S. markets, drug trafficking according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) in their 2008 World Drug Report, is "out of control." According to UNDOC, drug money is used as "a lubricant for corruption, and a source of terrorist financing: in turn, corrupt officials and terrorists make drug production and trafficking easier."

Indeed, since the 2001 U.S. invasion and occupation, opium production has skyrocketed some 1,000% and accounts for a large percentage of the country's gross domestic product. Tellingly, some of the staunchest U.S. allies in the area are directly tied to international narcotics organizations. According to UNDOC, the global increase in opium production "was almost entirely due to the 17% expansion of cultivation in Afghanistan, which is now 193,000 ha [hectares]" reaching 8,700 metric tons in 2007, accounting for a staggering 92% of global opium production!

Despite these horrendous statistics, the authors of FM 3-05.130 can asset that "the methods and networks of real or perceived criminal entities can be useful"! Indeed they can, as a seemingly limitless source of black funds earmarked for U.S. planetary subversion in the interest of expanding American corporate power.

According to a June 2008 report by The Times, after last year's bumper crop sent the price of opium spiraling downwards, the Taliban and U.S.-connected drug lords linked to Hamid Karzai's government, are stockpiling vast quantities of opium in order to induce a rise in world prices. And Time Magazine reported in October that the value of hoarded opium may be as much as $3.2 billion.

Celebrated by the Pentagon and the U.S. media as a "splendid victory," the 2001 invasion and occupation of Afghanistan quickly spiraled out of control and the country now faces a resurgent Taliban, a new base of operations for al-Qaeda in the tribal areas of Pakistan and evidence of Pakistani ISI involvement in aiding the fundamentalist insurgents and the global drugs trade. But for American unconventional warriors, a full accounting of war crimes that ARSOF supervised and their Northern Alliance "allies" carried out have yet to be answered.

As Peter Dale Scott noted in 2002,

It's a bitter irony: The largely successful U.S. campaign against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan is resulting in an increase of funds for terrorists around the globe.

It is true, as President Bush has insisted, that global terrorism is financed by the flow of illicit drugs. Yet by installing and rewarding a coalition of drug-financed warlords in Kabul, the United States has itself helped restore the flow of Afghan heroin to terrorist groups, from the Balkans and Chechnya to Tajikistan, Pakistan and Kashmir. ("Poppy Paradox: U.S. War in Afghanistan Boosts Terror Funds," Dissident Voice, August 3, 2002)

Indeed, among the staunchest U.S. allies in the region, characters such as Hazrat Ali and Gul Agha, "have been 'bought off' with millions in deals brokered by U.S. and British intelligence." But while America was happy to endorse a drug-linked status quo that relied on its so-called "warlord strategy" to "stabilize" Afghanistan, part of the blowback from these dubious alliances included allowing bin Laden to escape into Pakistan in 2001 after the "battle" of Tora Bora.

But for Pentagon proponents of unconventional warfare, the "price is always right" when it comes to strategic and tactical alliances with narcotraffickers and international terrorists. After all, since "UW must be conducted by, with, or through surrogates; and such surrogates must be irregular forces," everything is permitted.

perdonen de nuevo ya se que es un poco pesadillesco para los que no hablan ingles pero para eso estan los diccionarios en linea sorry again.

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