Todo sobre el A-29 Super Tucano

La Aviación militar en Latinoamérica. Organización, pilotos y aviones de guerra. La industria aeronáutica.
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Mensajes: 1959
Registrado: 22 May 2010, 03:03
Ubicación: Colombia

Mensaje por Chechitar_1985 »

Brasil escribió:
chechitar_1985 escribió:pregunten en Colombia el excelente historial de servicio que tiene el supertucano en la FAC...O que le pregunten a "raul reyes" o al "mono jojoy" los efectos de las bombas lanzadas en por estos aviones..

No pudiemos preguntar.. no estan mas entre nosotos :lol: :cool: El Super T hice su trabajo.

Tanto que El A-29 colombiano impressiono a EE.UU., que lo metio en un programa secreto para su evaluacion :shock:


algunos logros del supertucano en la FAC (extraido de wikipedia, con fuentes de la propia fuerza aerea)

Historia operacional

El 1 de marzo de 2008 una escuadrilla de aviones Super Tucano de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana participó en la "Operación Fénix" en territorio ecuatoriano donde fue abatido Raúl Reyes, de las FARC-EP. Al parecer en esta misión los Super Tucano usaron bombas "Griffin[1]" de guía láser y cohetes de 4 × 70 mm.

El 22 de septiembre del 2010 nuevamente un escuadrón de aviones Super Tucano de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana participó en la "Operación Sodoma", donde fue abatido Víctor Julio Suárez Rojas, alias ´´El Mono Jojoy´´, un cabecilla de la organización terrorista FARC.

Han participado en varias misiones de vigilancia, interdicción aérea contra aviones utilizados por narcotraficantes, entrenamiento de nuevos pilotos de la academia de vuelo, prácticas de ataque a tierra para el apoyo de las tropas de combate, contra el narcotráfico en la frontera entre Ecuador y Colombia, escolta de aviones de fumigación contra cultivos de drogas y avión escolta, de helicópteros de combate, transporte de tropas y rescate en las zonas de batalla.

Si vis pacem para bellum
Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2004
Registrado: 06 Feb 2007, 19:25
Ubicación: BRICS

Mensaje por Brasil »

Kraken escribió:
¿Programa secreto?


U.S. Eyes Super Tucano for SpecOps Work
Published: 13 Mar 16:22 EDT (20:22 GMT)

The U.S. Navy's new Irregular Warfare office has been looking at an agile Brazilian observation and ground-attack turboprop to provide an "organic" close air support aircraft for special operations forces.

Under the classified "Imminent Fury" program, the Navy has already leased, tested and armed at least one Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano, according to Capt. Mark Mullins, a naval special warfare officer serving as the deputy director of the Navy Irregular Warfare Office at the Pentagon.

"This is a close air support, manned aircraft with a pilot and sensor operator. The idea here is that SOF needs an organic capability that can stick with them while they're doing their mission," Mullins said. "We're not buying them; we're leasing them right now. That's an important point."

Speaking March 12 at an exposition on expeditionary warfare in Virginia Beach, Va., Mullins said the intent is to put four of the single-engine aircraft into the fight as quickly as possible.

"Now we're in an operational pause, trying to figure out how to get to Phase II. We need about $44 million," he said. "Back to the method of venture capitalism, we're working with the Air Force and Marine Corps, socializing it with those guys to see if we can get money invested and get to Phase II, where we're taking four aircraft into theater."

The EMB-314 is flown by the military forces of Brazil and Colombia, according to Christine Manna, communications director at Embraer's office for North America in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

As well, Manna said, Chile bought 12 planes and the Dominican Republic bought eight, but the planes have not been delivered yet.

The Super Tucano has a flight endurance of more than six hours, carries several sensors, can be armed with a heavy machine gun in each wing and has mounts for bombs, cannon and rocket pods, according to Jane's All the World's Aircraft 2008-9.

Calling it a "fascinating piece of kit," Mullins said "the proof of concept" is complete after a year of testing. But he described Imminent Fury as his new office's "most contentious project," mostly due to wariness from naval aviation.

"You can imagine the SOF guys and Marines really love this," he said. "The challenge here, and why it's so contentious, is it falls into the seam where it's really not clear whose bailiwick it is. It's not a marinized aircraft. It doesn't fly off the carrier."

Mullins said the Super Tucano can be landed on an unimproved airstrip such as a road, refueled in minutes and sent right back into the fray.

A briefing slide on the Imminent Fury project obtained by Defense News sister publication Navy Times identifies the need for a "tactical fixed wing [intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance] platform to provide expeditionary, organic Find/Fix/Finish operations for SOF Forces in a maneuverable, long range, low heat signature platform."

The project began following a visit by Navy Secretary Donald Winter with naval special warfare task forces in the Central Command area in October 2007, according to a similar brief.

"It's not about flying in from 1,000 miles away, dropping some thousand-pound bombs and leaving," Mullins said. "It's about working with [the ground force], doing the intelligence preparation of the battlespace, doing a [communication] relay, close air support, eyes on target and if there's squirters leaving the target, keeping up with them and tracking them down and doing [bomb damage assessment] at the end."

Although Mullins said the project is awaiting funding to move forward, a slide in Mullins' presentation indicated it's sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Naval Air Systems Command and the Navy.

"Imminent Fury is a classified Navy initiative to address urgent warfighter needs," said Lt. Sean Robertson, a Navy spokesman at the Pentagon. "Initial developmental testing has been promising, and the Navy is currently conducting discussions with our Joint partners on various courses of action as this initiative moves forward."

Mullins delivered an unclassified brief, but details of Imminent Fury remain classified, Robertson said.

The Irregular Warfare office, part of the Navy staff at the Pentagon, was established in July under the direction of Adm. Gary Roughead, the chief of naval operations. It's headed by Rear Adm. Mark Kenny, a submariner.

"Our goal is to rapidly deliver capabilities and effects," Mullins said. "And we are the CNO's lead for irregular warfare."






Fotos: ... y-phase-i/

Y andaron haciendo ejercicios conyuntos con estos Helis EspecOps:


Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2004
Registrado: 06 Feb 2007, 19:25
Ubicación: BRICS

Mensaje por Brasil »

Mas 6 Super Tucanos, ahora para para Guatemala!

Brazilian aircraft and radars to combat drug trafficking in Central America

Guatemala will purchase six Brazilian military aircraft Super Tucano, radars and other equipment to combat the narcotics trade traffic of which the Central American country is considered a crucial link between South America and the United States. ... al-america

Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2004
Registrado: 06 Feb 2007, 19:25
Ubicación: BRICS

Mensaje por Brasil »

Operadores actuales y futuros:


:arrow: Brasil - 99 aeronaves
:arrow: Burkina Faso - ? aeronaves
:arrow: Colômbia - 25 aeronaves
:arrow: Chile - 12 aeronaves
:arrow: República Dominicana - 8 aeronaves
:arrow: Equador - 18 aeronaves
:arrow: Indonésia - 8 aeronaves
:arrow: Estados Unidos - Blackwater - 1 aeronave
:arrow: Guatemala - 6 a 10 aeronaves
:arrow: Honduras - 4 a 8 aeronaves

Países que manifestaram interesse na compra, ainda não formalizada:

:arrow: Angola - 6 aeronave
:arrow: Peru - 10 a 13 aeronaves
:arrow: El Salvador - 8 a 10 aeronaves
:arrow: Estados Unidos - 4 aeronaves (leasing) para a Marinha dos Estados Unidos (US Navy)
100 aeronaves para Força Aérea dos Estados Unidos (USAF)
:arrow: Reino Unido - ? Unidades
:arrow: Afeganistão - 55 (LAS program)

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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
Mensajes: 25770
Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

Brasil escribió::arrow: Estados Unidos - 4 aeronaves (leasing) para a Marinha dos Estados Unidos (US Navy)
100 aeronaves para Força Aérea dos Estados Unidos (USAF)

La cifra de 100 es irreal. El programa LAAR casi seguro no progresará más allá de una veintena larga de unidades y lamentablemente es más probable que se lo lleve el AT-6C.

El dinero simplemente no dá para los 100 aviones que querían. Y darle un contrato a EMBRAER en este clima económico, especialmente dada la comonalidad del AT-6C con los Texans JPATS , va a ser titánico.

Una pena, porque pienso que es el mejor avión CAS/COIN.

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
Mensajes: 136
Registrado: 21 Sep 2011, 15:50
Ubicación: guayaquil

Mensaje por giovazzi »

los super tucano FAE


Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2004
Registrado: 06 Feb 2007, 19:25
Ubicación: BRICS

Mensaje por Brasil »

Pasada baja del Super Tucano de Republica Dominicana dispala alarma de coche! ... r_embedded

Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2004
Registrado: 06 Feb 2007, 19:25
Ubicación: BRICS

Mensaje por Brasil »

Algunos videos mas demonstrando las capacedades de esta aeronave:

A-29 Super T: Built For The Mission

The A-29 Super Tucano stands alone as the only combat-proven, mission ready and operational contender in the U.S. Air Force Light Air Support (LAS) competition.

Flatley: Combat Proven

CDR James H. Flatley, IV USN, (Ret) discusses his experience with the A-29 Super Tucano and details how the aircraft is the only combat-proven, mission ready and operational contender in the U.S. Air Force Light Air Support competition.

Flatley: Internal Guns

CDR James H. Flatley, IV USN, (Ret) discusses his experience with the A-29 Super Tucano and how the internally wing-mounted .50 cal machine guns make the plane superior to the prototype AT-6.

Super Tucano Means New Jobs for Florida

The State of Florida is working to stimulate its economy and develop public-private partnerships that result in investment and job creation. One such example would be the assembly of the A-29 Super Tucano for the U.S. Air Force's light air support (LAS) mission in Afghanistan.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Embraer

"Take Embraer, the jet manufacturer and one of Brazil's biggest exporters. The United States accounts for about 65 percent of its sales. But about 70 percent of the parts that it puts into its planes are made in the United States."

"Now, these economic relations, therefore, are not zero sum. Ultimately, they do benefit the people of every country involved."

Lord Corportation on Super Tucano

Lt. Gen. Fred McCorkle, USMC Ret. discusses the role Lord Corporation plays as a supplier to the A-29 Super Tucano. The selection of the EMB 314 (A-29 Super Tucano) will mean the creation of new high paying jobs American jobs.

Lt. Gen. Fred McCorkle, USMC Ret. on the LAS Mission

Lt. Gen. Fred McCorkle, USMC Ret. discusses the LAS Mission and the urgent need to provide a proven aircraft to the forces in Afghanistan.

FLIR on Super Tucano

The world leader in forward looking infrared, FLIR Systems is one of 60+ American suppliers on the A-29 Super Tucano. The Super T stands alone as the only combat-proven, mission ready and operational contender in the U.S. Air Force Light Air Support competition.

A-29 Super Tucano: Takeoff and Landing on rugged terrain

To see the A-29 Super Tucano take off and land on an austere airstrip is to know the rugged power and extreme performance of this combat proven light attack aircraft. This is but one of more than 170 Super Tucanos in service today. The A-29 has logged more than 16,000 combat hours with no combat losses. It has more than 130 certified weapons load configurations. The competition? They have only two prototype, experimental planes that have no internal guns and have not been certified to drop any ordinance.

Elbit Systems on Super Tucano

Elbit Systems of America President and CEO, Raanan Horowitz, talks about the 100+ high paying jobs that will be created at his company when the USAF selects the A-29 Super Tucano for the LAS mission.

Super Tucano: Persistence

Test Pilot Cris Brayman describes the exceptional persistence of the A-29 Super Tucano (EMB 314). Time on station translates to critical impact on the fight and support of troops the ground.

Super Tucano - Components Breakdown

Test Pilot Cris Brayman shares a detailed breakdown of the component parts of the A-29 Super Tucano (EMB 314) that make it uniquely qualified for the Light Air Support mission.


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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
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Mensaje por Mauricio »

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2004
Registrado: 06 Feb 2007, 19:25
Ubicación: BRICS

Mensaje por Brasil »

Mauricio escribió:Se complica el panorama:

Por lo que he intendido, el combat Dragon II es el "Imminent Furry" del AT-6B. Puede ser que estea errado, pero, creo que Embraer tiene ventaja, pues ya ha demuenstrado su equipo.


Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2004
Registrado: 06 Feb 2007, 19:25
Ubicación: BRICS

Mensaje por Brasil »

Vitoria del Super Tucano?

Hawker Beechcraft excluída da concorrência Light Air Support
19 de novembro de 2011

A Força Aérea dos EUA (USAF) anunciou que a Hawker Beechcraft foi excluída do processo de licitação do Light Air Support (LAS). A Força Aérea está procurando uma frota de aeronaves LAS para treinar pilotos afegãos e também usar alguns aviões para apoio aéreo aproximado às tropas americanas.

A Hawker Beechcraft estava oferecendo seu AT-6 para o programa de LAS. A empresa de aviação disse que a Força Aérea não deu mais detalhes porque a Hawker foi excluída do processo.

O AT-6 concorria com o Super Tucano da Embraer no Light Air Support (LAS) e agora parece que o caminho está aberto para a vitória do avião brasileiro.


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Registrado: 26 Sep 2008, 22:15
Ubicación: Lima, Perú

Mensaje por rush4you »

De confirmarse, eso solo significa una cosa:

Victoria del Super Hornet en FX-2

Porque nada es "gratis" en esta vida, ¿o no Dassault?

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Registrado: 18 Abr 2004, 16:07

Mensaje por faust »

por que los legisladores se oponen a los programas LAS y combat dragonII/ innminet furyII?

ok como nadie me respondia busqué mis mismas respuestas...

aparentemente la USAF piensa en el programa LAAR, un programa de aviones de ataque ligeros solo como entrenadores de aviones de combate foraneos de otros paises, algo asi como lo que hicieron con el F-5E..

los marines (imminent fury) la navy (combat dragon) y el pentagono (DoD) con el CENTCOM y presumiblemente con el apoyo del JCS (todos mandados por oficiales de los marines, army y navy, por lo menos en aquel momento) quieren un avion ligero de ataque para apoyo en operaciones irregulares...

pero al parecer la USAF no quiere/no esta interesada/no le importa el tema, no quieren un avión ligero de ataque... (ni mucho las misiones de apoyo, sobretodo irregular)

que pasa, quizas la USAF y algunas grandes empresas de la industra de defensa (lockheed martin anybody? northorp-grumman maybe) deben estar presionando a los legisladores no aprobar los fondos para asi no haya ese avion de apoyo ligero contrainsurgencia...

los motivos para hacer eso, supongo que todos: no desviar los fondos, evitar problemas con otras adquisiciones (F-35 grita por todos lados) falta de interes en la mision, programas que no los benefician, etc...

algunas lecturas acerca del tema: ... t-fighter/
Última edición por faust el 21 Nov 2011, 07:15, editado 1 vez en total.

"El que no es tolerante con la intolerancia, es un intolerante"
Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2004
Registrado: 06 Feb 2007, 19:25
Ubicación: BRICS

Mensaje por Brasil »

rush4you escribió:De confirmarse, eso solo significa una cosa:

Victoria del Super Hornet en FX-2

Yo creo que fue este lo porque de la eliminacion:




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Mensajes: 6067
Registrado: 18 Abr 2004, 16:07

Mensaje por faust »

esa lista es bastante tendenciosa hacia el supertucano...

el AT-6 tambien tiene sus puntos positivos... que convenientemente no lo listan...

"El que no es tolerante con la intolerancia, es un intolerante"

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