Armada de Rusia

Marinas de Guerra y Armadas del Mundo. Novedades, construcción naval. Buques de guerra, portaviones, submarinos. Aviación naval. Infantería de Marina.
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Mensajes: 515
Registrado: 09 Abr 2003, 02:55
Ubicación: Argentina

Mensaje por JPJ »

Hola a todos. Sin duda hay varias cosillas interesantes en las noticias que paso a continuación, pero a mi entender la más interesante es la de la intecepción de un Su 33 por cazas israelíes. Alguien sabe más al respecto?

Silent Carrier

What Admiral Kuroedov knew, but did not say about the “Admiral Kuznetsov”

“Russia’s navy commander-in-chief, Admiral of the Fleet Vladimir Kuroedov, is satisfied with the results of the long ocean voyage of the Northern Fleet ship-borne aircraft carrying group which returned to Severomorsk today,” the CinC’s aide, Igor’ Dygalo, promulgated such an announcement on 22 October via the ITAR-TASS agency. However, yesterday it became known to X that in reality the ships’ voyage in the northeastern Atlantic nearly ended in catastrophe.

Maneuvers of the Northern Fleet ship-borne aircraft carrying group began on 27 September in the northeast Atlantic. The crews participating in the maneuvers of the ships (the aircraft carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov,” the atomic missile cruiser “Petr Velikiy,” the missile cruiser “Marshal Ustinov,” the destroyer “Admiral Ushakov,” the rescue vessel “Altay,” the tanker “Osipov,” and tug SB-406) along with the perfection of joint maneuvering missions, were involved in anti-air and anti-submarine defense exercises and those for assuring survivability of the ships. Refueling ships at sea also was perfected. Su-25UTG and SU-33 airplanes, and also Ka-27 and Ka-29 helicopters made flight from the deck of the “Admiral Kuznetsov” aircraft carrier. However, the day before the maneuvers ended, 18 October, the armada suddenly stopped working: all ships ceased movement, and airplanes – flights.

The halt of the aircraft carrying group put Iceland and Norway on their guard (the maneuvers were taking place close to their territorial waters), and also Western media, in which assumptions appeared about a possible accident, which had happened on the atomic missile cruiser “Petr Velikiy.” The journalists had ground to make such assumptions: at the end of March 2004, navy CinC, Admiral Vladimir Kuroedov, declared to all who would listen: “The cruiser is in such a condition that it can fly into the air at any minute. This is especially dangerous owing to the fact that it is equipped with a nuclear power plant.”

Russia’s naval command decided to calm the public with an announcement by the CinC’s aide, Captain Igor’ Dygalo. On 21 October, he reported to RIA Novosti that “no extraordinary situations on board the flagship of the Northern Fleet, “Petr Velikiy” or on board the other Northern Fleet ships arose during the exercises.” However, this announcement turned out to be false.

According to reports of X, on 18 October an emergency happened on the aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov.” An Su-25UTG attack aircraft crew made an emergency landing during approach to the deck of the “Admiral Kuznetsov” aircraft carrier after making a planned day-time flight.

The right landing gear strut broke off the airplane as a result of a hard landing. Inertial drove the attack aircraft to the right, at the aircraft carrier’s superstructure. Only the fact that the Su-25UTG was able to catch during the landing the first cable of the arresting barrier with the hook installed in its tail section saved the ship from a huge accident (four cables are stretched across its deck in all during landing of airplanes on the aircraft carrier.) The airplane stopped approximately after 90 meters. Immediately after this the command was given to cease flights, and for all ships of the aircraft-carrying group to stop.

Yesterday, Igor’ Dygalo refused to answer X’s request for an official comment on this incident. They also refused to comment on the emergency situation at the defense ministry’s press service. As correspondent X has been able to find out, the Northern Fleet aviation command (the unique in Russia 279th detached ship-based fighter aviation regiment is subordinate to it), as too the naval aviation command, insists that the “destruction of the airplane’s landing gear support structure occurred as a result of fatigue stress which arose because of the aging of the metal.”

However, the president of the scientific and production concern, Sukhoy Attack Aircraft, and chief designer of the Su-25, Vladimir Babak, hold another opinion. He declared to X, that he perceives in the occurrence fault of the airman who was piloting the aircraft: He landed the Su-25UTG on the deck with a G-loading of more than 6 where the standard is 4.2. In particular, the landing gear support strut was damaged as a result of the hard landing of the attack aircraft.

A special commission, which has been created at the Northern Fleet, is now involved with explanation of the reasons for the incident with the attack aircraft and with evaluation of the damage inflicted to the aircraft carrier during the Su-25UTG’s emergency landing. According to X’s information, the silicon carbide fire-proof deck covering, which protects it from overheating from the operating jet engines of the airplanes, has been damaged on the “Admiral Kuznetsov.” And this means that the aircraft carrier, having come out of overhaul literally before the voyage into the Atlantic, again awaits repair.

A 10-year struggle for survival

In 1995, the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov” was in a strong storm during a sortie at sea. At the same time, several of the steam boilers went out of order, the ship lost speed and nearly was thrown into the shore of Novaya Zemlya.

In December 1995, instead of necessary repair they sent the “Kuznetsov” to the Mediterranean Sea. As early as the very start of the voyage, serious defects in the operation of the main electrical system were discovered on it. It became clear that two of the eight of its steam boilers had obstructed pipes – the sailors had filled them with sea water instead of distilled water. During the voyage, the pipes of the other boilers regularly leaked and burst. The evaporators, turbo-generators and diesel generators broke down steadily. As a result, the “Kuznetsov” moved at an average speed of 2 – 4 knots.

In February 1996, during a visit to Malta, all boilers on the “Kuznetsov” malfunctioned and the ship was left at a standstill. Danger of the aircraft carrier’s being thrown onto the shore arose because of a strong wind. The crew was able with great effort to start up two boilers and the ship returned to Severomorsk at a low speed, where it was stationed for a lengthy overhaul. After this, the chief of the navy’s main staff, Admiral Valentin Selivanov, who had directed the final part of the voyage, retired.

During that same voyage, on 27 January 1996, Israeli air force fighters were put up to intercept the Su-33 that had lifted off from the “Kuznetsov.” The Israeli military, who did not expect the presence of Russian airplanes in this region, were unable to correctly identify the targets even on visual contact. As a result, they took the “Kuznetsov’s” airplanes for Syrian fighters and almost attacked.

In 1997, during a regular overhaul in the ship’s ventilating shaft, the mummified body of a man was discovered. During investigation of the situation, it was explained that it was a worker of the ship repair plant who had died in this shaft several years ago.

In August 1998, while receiving fuel on the aircraft carrier, the incorrect valve was closed by accident and 60 tonnes of fuel oil poured onto the fire control station. The waterproof supports gave way and the station was disabled. Fortunately, it was managed without any sacrifices. Somewhat earlier two of the four “Kortik” ((dagger)) anti-aircraft missile complexes were flooded because of a pipe breaking on the aircraft carrier.

Source: 29.10.04, Kommersant

General de Brigada
General de Brigada
Mensajes: 4398
Registrado: 23 Ago 2003, 18:19
Ubicación: Oxfordshire, RU

Mensaje por alejandro_ »

En hay algunos fondos de pantalla de buques rusos bastante chulos:














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Mensajes: 515
Registrado: 09 Abr 2003, 02:55
Ubicación: Argentina

Mensaje por JPJ »

Gruno: No te dejes llevar por el corazón, a mi tambien me gustan muchos sistemas rusos, pero de ahí a que la marina rusa pueda derrotar a la USA, es demasiado

Sargento Segundo
Sargento Segundo
Mensajes: 373
Registrado: 30 Jun 2004, 02:00
Ubicación: argentina

Mensaje por gruno »

si puede ser amigo a derrotar quisas hoy por hoy no pero si que le daria una cruel y mortal batalla yo no aseguro ni la victoria de los aliados ni la de los rusos ... la verdad nose que pasaria..

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Mensajes: 3685
Registrado: 19 Sep 2004, 13:59

Mensaje por eco_tango »

Hoy, 1 de Noviembre de 2004, la Armada Rusa no esta ni siquiera a la altura de la Royal Navy o de la Marina Nacional Francesa... si me apuras... no estan ni siquiera a la altura de la....

Sin duda, la Armada Sovietica fue terrorífica y francamente preocupante para las marinas occidentales en buena parte de la guerra fria... pero hoy en dia... bastante tienen los pobres con intentar eliminar el oxido de los pocos barcos que les quedan en una condición medianamente operativa... Sus sistemas estan totalmente obsoletos y del mantenimiento de los mismos mejor ni hablamos. No son ni sombra de lo que fueron...


Mensajes: 294
Registrado: 12 Jun 2004, 19:48

Mensaje por farre »

la marina rusa puede dar palos a la royal navy i a la armada francesa cuando9 quiera a la armada usa ja es otra historia la royal navy que buques de guera tiene? i la armada francesa que ?
solo se tiene que ver la guerra delas malivinas lo que hizieron los argentinos con tan poco armamento
un saludo

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Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2175
Registrado: 08 Ene 2003, 19:23
Ubicación: Castilla la vieja

Mensaje por wikingo »

Solo una cosa en que te basas para decir eso, que yo sepa en las Malvinas la flota de submarinos nucleares britanicos fue mas que suficiente para dejar a todoa la flota argentina en puerto y los unicos que hicieron daño fueron aviones basados en el continente que demostraron que los ingleses son unos chapuzas construyendo misiles y barcos, igual que los rusos puesto que yo sepa no tienen nada parecido a una bobadfa llamada aegis, asi que si quieres se va caso a caso y luego comparas (a por cierto gracias a los 4 mares haber como juntas a toda la flota?

Nadie es más que nadie, porque, por mucho que valga un hombre,
nunca tendrá valor más alto que el valor de ser hombre.
Así habla Castilla, un pueblo de señores,
que siempre ha despreciado al señorito

Antonio Machado.
Mensajes: 294
Registrado: 12 Jun 2004, 19:48

Mensaje por farre »

los rusos tienen el sky watch que es la copia del AEGIS
no dijo todas las flotas con la del norte habria suficiente
un saludo

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General de Cuerpo de Ejército
General de Cuerpo de Ejército
Mensajes: 9410
Registrado: 11 Ene 2003, 13:03
Ubicación: Hispania Citerior

Mensaje por maximo »

Los ingleses en las Malvinas pudieron jugar con sus submarinos porque no tenian contrincante... Habria que ver donde se metian sus cacareados submarinos nucleares enfrentados a cuatro o cinco Oscar.
Que la marina Rusa no tenga nada que ver en cantidad con la Sovietica no quiere decir que sea manca. Incluso en su estado actual puede darle una leccion a cualquiera que no sean los americanos.

\\"Un cerdo que no vuela solo es un cerdo\\"
Marco Porcellino.
Mensajes: 294
Registrado: 12 Jun 2004, 19:48

Mensaje por farre »

los oscar no estos darian con los portaaviones que es su mision los que darian caza los submarinos britanicos u franceses serian los ssn akula ssn victor 3 ssn sierra2 los ssk kilo i la nueva clase ja botada clase lada
un saludo

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Registrado: 19 Sep 2004, 13:59

Mensaje por eco_tango »

Máximo... nada me daría más placer que ver a los rusos dandoles una lección a los perros... ¿pero tienen cuatro o cinco Oscar operativos?


Mensajes: 294
Registrado: 12 Jun 2004, 19:48

Mensaje por farre »

me parece que tenian 9-10 operativos
un saludo

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Registrado: 19 Sep 2004, 13:59

Mensaje por eco_tango »

¿operativos... o en las listas oficiales de buques?


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Mensajes: 515
Registrado: 09 Abr 2003, 02:55
Ubicación: Argentina

Mensaje por JPJ »

Hola a todos

los rusos tienen el sky watch que es la copia del AEGIS
no dijo todas las flotas con la del norte habria suficiente
un saludo

Puedes dar más detalles. tengo entendido que el equivalente ruso al AEGIS, no era una copia de este si no una versión navalizada del S300 MP (S 300F), creo que el Pedro el Grande lleva una versión naval del S 300MPII. Ni ingleses ni franceses tienen de todas maneras, nada parecido a esto.

Mensajes: 294
Registrado: 12 Jun 2004, 19:48

Mensaje por farre »

La marina rusa utiliza la version naval del sa-10 designada sa-n-6. fue probada en el crucero antisubmarino de la clase kara "Azov"y se encuentra operativa en los cruceros clase Kirov i Slava.
Se han desarollado dos tipos de montajes de lanzamiento vertical: El B-203A con seis contenedores y el B-204 con 8 contenedores. el radar asociado es el 3R 41"volna" denominacion otan "top done "
un saludo
si alguien puede dar mas informacion sera de agradecer
es el s-300F
Última edición por farre el 01 Nov 2004, 22:18, editado 1 vez en total.

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