Fuerza Aérea de Israel

Fuerzas Armadas y conflictos de la zona, desde Marruecos hasta Iran. Israel y el Mundo Árabe. El Problema Palestino. La Guerra de Irak. La primavera árabe.
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Registrado: 23 Abr 2005, 21:13

Mensaje por fjm »

Creo que en estos primeros 20 no les dejan modificar nada, pero han dejado una puestra abierta a modificaciones en los próximos pedidos.

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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
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Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

Continúan los destacamentos en países Europeos:

Israeli, Greek helicopters practice strikes over mountainous coasts

The Israeli and Greek Air forces embarked Monday, Oct. 11, on a joint four-day exercise code-named Minoas 2010 over Crete and the western Peloponnese Peninsula, debkafile's military sources report. Both areas are characterized by long coastal strips and high mountain peaks rising as high a 2,400 meters and extending into the surrounding Ionian and Mediterranean Seas. Taking part are 16 Apache and Black Hawk UH-60 assault helicopters - eight Israeli and eight Greek. Over the weekend, the Israeli choppers flew directly from home base to the big Greek Suda air complex on the island of Grete. They were refueled by the Israel air force in flight as part of the exercise.

Minoas 2010 continues the interrupted joint maneuver held in May from the point where Athens broke it off over the Israeli commando raid of the Turkish Marmora before the protest vessel could reach the Gaza Strip to bust the Israeli blockade.

The helicopters are practicing tactics designed for large expanses of water, island groups - the Argo-Saronic Islands east of the Peloponnese and the Ionian Islands to its west - and high coastal peaks with deep canyons and gorges. This sort of terrain resembles Persian Gulf shores, including the coastal strips enclosing the strategic Strait of Hormuz and the western and southern shores of Iran where key Revolutionary Guards Corps bases are grouped.

Strategic cooperation between the Israeli and Greek air forces has grown in the last two years, further boosted by the breach in Turkish-Israeli military ties. In April 2008, they conducted a large-scale air maneuver which saw 110 Israel fighters of various types flying directly to the same area as the current helicopter exercise.

Western military experts at the time saw this exercise as demonstrating Israel long-distance ability to flying fighter-bombers to and from Iran to if it is decided to strike Iran's nuclear facilities.


Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
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Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

Ejercicios con la Aeronatuica Militare

IAF completes joint exercise with Italian Air Force

11/26/2010 14:36

Israeli Air Force sends number of squadrons from Nevatim, Tel Nof bases including F15, F16; Italians use Euro-fighter Typhoon.

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) on Friday completed a two-week joint training exercise with the Italian Air Force in Sardinia.

The IAF sent a number of squadrons from the Nevatim and Tel Nof bases.

The squadron included a five F15 and five F16 fighter jets as well as the Hercules C-130.

The Italian Air Force trained using several advanced aircraft including the Euro-fighter Typhoon. IAF sources said the Euro-fighter is important for Israel to train with because it is also the hands of Saudi Arabia.

This exercise was the first overseas training for the "Eitam" (G550) Air Traffic Control Aircraft which serves as airborne warning and control systems (AWACS) as well as intelligence-gathering planes.

As part of the exercise teams trained at low altitudes. The "Red team," played by the Italian side, impersonated the enemy so that the sides could stimulate interception.


Italian, Israel Air Forces Complete Joint Aerial Exercise

Posted by Noam Eshel at 11/27/2010 8:53 AM CST

The Israeli and Italian air Forces concluded an extensive, two-week exercise in Sardinia this Friday. Members from four Israel Air Force fighter squadrons participated in the exercise, “The Twin-Tail Knights” and “The Spearhead” flying F-15Cs and Ds from the Tel-Nof base, and the “Defenders Of The South” and “The Golden Eagle” squadrons from the Nevatim IAF base, flying F-16s. The exercise was the first international training deployment of the “Eitam” (G550), an Early Warning & Control aircraft. The Italian element in the exercise played the ‘red team’ of adversary air force, challenging the Israelis with Eurofighter Typhoons, AMXs, Panavia Tornado and F-16s ‘aggressors’.

International training deployments are essential for the IAF to maintain pilot skills in extended-range operation, under changing weather conditions, over unfamiliar areas, fly at low altitude over the vast uninhibited areas of the island, perform precision navigation flights and practice cooperation with foreign NATO elements as part of coalition operations. The IAF has deployed to Sardinia for several years. In October 2009 Israeli Air Force F-15Es and F-16Is also deployed to Cagliari base in Sardinia, to participate in a similar exercise. According to Lt. Col A., “The Golden Eagle” squadron leader, the international training program will incorporate more air forces in the future, and the Italian Air Force plans to deploy aircraft on training missions to Israel in the future.

http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/de ... d=blogDest

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
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Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

Fotos del ejercicio Vega 2010, HHA en Deci:




Parte I: http://cencio4.wordpress.com/2010/11/25 ... se-part-1/

Parte II: http://cencio4.wordpress.com/2010/11/28 ... se-part-2/

Nótese el detalle en el morro del Baz 979... :mrgreen:

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
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Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

Fotos de Vega 2010 del Flickr de las IDF:



http://idfspokesperson.com/2010/11/28/i ... -nov-2010/

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
Mensajes: 25774
Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

Mauricio escribió:Continúan los destacamentos en países Europeos:

Israeli, Greek helicopters practice strikes over mountainous coasts

The Israeli and Greek Air forces embarked Monday, Oct. 11, on a joint four-day exercise code-named Minoas 2010 over Crete and the western Peloponnese Peninsula, debkafile's military sources report. Both areas are characterized by long coastal strips and high mountain peaks rising as high a 2,400 meters and extending into the surrounding Ionian and Mediterranean Seas. Taking part are 16 Apache and Black Hawk UH-60 assault helicopters - eight Israeli and eight Greek. Over the weekend, the Israeli choppers flew directly from home base to the big Greek Suda air complex on the island of Grete. They were refueled by the Israel air force in flight as part of the exercise.

Minoas 2010 continues the interrupted joint maneuver held in May from the point where Athens broke it off over the Israeli commando raid of the Turkish Marmora before the protest vessel could reach the Gaza Strip to bust the Israeli blockade.

The helicopters are practicing tactics designed for large expanses of water, island groups - the Argo-Saronic Islands east of the Peloponnese and the Ionian Islands to its west - and high coastal peaks with deep canyons and gorges. This sort of terrain resembles Persian Gulf shores, including the coastal strips enclosing the strategic Strait of Hormuz and the western and southern shores of Iran where key Revolutionary Guards Corps bases are grouped.

Strategic cooperation between the Israeli and Greek air forces has grown in the last two years, further boosted by the breach in Turkish-Israeli military ties. In April 2008, they conducted a large-scale air maneuver which saw 110 Israel fighters of various types flying directly to the same area as the current helicopter exercise.

Western military experts at the time saw this exercise as demonstrating Israel long-distance ability to flying fighter-bombers to and from Iran to if it is decided to strike Iran's nuclear facilities.


Por fín una foto del ejercicio... :D


Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
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General de Cuerpo de Ejército
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Registrado: 09 May 2008, 02:46
Ubicación: Medellín

Mensaje por Anderson »

Y tal parece que los Isrelís les devuelven el favor a los italianos:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjjIV-yP ... re=recentu

Eight Italian Tornado strike fighters deployed to Israel Air Force Base at Ovda for eight days in December 2010. Ovda is located in the southern Negev desert near the city of Eilat, where they 'fought' against the IAF 'Flying Dragon' playing the 'red team' aggressor squadron. The Italians were able to experience unfamiliar desert areas, simulating potential contingencies. The area around IAF Base Ovda is instrumented to represent realistic targets typical of full scale conflist as well as asymmetric (hybrid) warfare, along with air defense threats, providing a high level of realistic training unavailable in Europe. Training in such conditions effectively introduces NATO pilots to potential missions.

Tierra de héroes anónimos y espíritus libres...
Mensajes: 34
Registrado: 01 Ene 2011, 02:30

Mensaje por Farmer »

Israel to expand F-15 upgrade plan

The Israeli air force is to enhance an upgrade programme to its Boeing F-15 "Baz" strike aircraft to include its oldest A/B-model aircraft. One prototype has already been completed and will serve to accelerate the series upgrade.
"We are confident that after the upgrade is complete, all the Baz fleet will be capable of performing long-range strikes in the next 10 years," an air force source says.
Israel's F-15C/Ds have been upgraded within recent years, but the service had not planned to invest in modernising its earlier A/Bs.
However, a more comprehensive upgrade is now aimed at enabling the older aircraft to use advanced weapon systems, such as bombs equipped with Boeing's Joint Direct Attack Munition guidance kit. The work will also include improvements to the aircraft's radar, plus fuselage strengthening.
Officially, the air force has not related the expansion of its F-15 upgrade to delays with Lockheed Martin's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. But sources say the issue does have an impact on some programmes that are connected to the operational capabilities of its current fighters.
Israel still operates 25 single-seat F-15As and five two-seat F-15Bs, which Flightglobal's MiliCAS database says were delivered between 1974 and 1978.


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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
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Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

Video genial, es primera vez que veo el interior de uno de los AEW&C Eitam:


Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
Mensajes: 25774
Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

Operación simultánea de UAVs Hermes 450 y Hermes 900 desde la misma estación:


Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
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Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

Video de la más reciente prueba del sistema ABM Arrow 2, que tuvo lugar el Martes en la costa de California. Se presume que el misil interceptado simulaba a un MRBM Shihab 3.

http://www.jpost.com/VideoArticles/Vide ... ?id=209320

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
Teniente Coronel
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Registrado: 19 Sep 2008, 02:28

Mensaje por Maya »

Les dejo aqui un documento inperdible en PDF, para aquellos que lo deseen guardar en su disco duro; se trata de un documento amplio y esclarecedor, titulado Study on a Possible Israeli Strike on Iran’s Nuclear Development Facilities, que traduce Estudio sobre un Posible Ataque Israeli a las Instalaciones de Desarrollo Nuclear Iranies por Abdullah Toukan, del Centro para Estudios Estrategicos y Estudios Internacionales - CSIS.


Es muy amplio y toca con detenimiento cada punto concebible del probable ataque; las consideraciones politicas con los paises por donde sobrevolaria el operativo, numero de unidades comprometidas en el ataque, cantidad de bombas por aeronave, numero de aeronaves, rutas de vuelo al objetivo, consideraciones sobre el impacto ambiental y fugas por radiación, instalaciones Iranies a atacar, centros de enriquecimiento de uranio, numero de bombas para cada blanco, capacidad de misiles balisticos tanto de Israel como de Iran, tipos de cohete, respuesta de contrataque, cabezas nucleares, fuerzas aereas comprometidas, escudos de defensa anti-aerea, bases aereas y nuchas consideraciones mas, que hacen de este estudio un documento para atesorar.

Espero que les guste.


Teniente Coronel
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Registrado: 18 Abr 2010, 00:12

Mensaje por Experten »


Entra en servicio el Iron Dome... por segunda vez este año, después de la intercepcion de un RPG por parte de los Merkava del Ejército, las Fuerzas armadas de Israel rompen otro importante hito en las doctrinas militares modernas y se perfila como una de las naciones mas avanzadas del planeta en cuanto a sistemas de defensa.

Faltará ver la entrada al servicio en unos años de un par de sistemas más como es el caso del misil Stunner y el Arrow 3 para por fin definir aún más la avanzada capacidad defensa balística israelí, que a la fecha tiene el sistema de defensa contramisil más avanzado del mundo.

Jagdgeschwader 74 "Viva Zapata" SQdr.
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Registrado: 19 Abr 2010, 13:17

Mensaje por Caesar »

Hace no muchas fechas comenté el hito de la entrada en funcionamiento del Iron Dome, que viene a blindar el cielo israelí de misiles enemigos y, como apuntas, convierte su fuerza de intercepción es una de las mejores del mundo, si no la mejor.

Irán tiene cada día más difícil perpetrar un ataque exitoso en suelo israelí. Sólo le queda seguir financiando el terrorismo de Hamás y Hezbollá y armando a Siria para un posible conflicto de confrontación directa.

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Sargento Segundo
Sargento Segundo
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Registrado: 28 Jun 2009, 21:26
Ubicación: check your six

Mensaje por gosto-dz »

Goshawk escribió:Ocho motores a reacción robados de la Base Aérea de Israel


June 13th, 2011 (Google traductor)

Um, perdón? Alguien al parecer ha logrado robar ocho, sí, ocho jubilados motores Pratt & Whitney F100 avas naciones más preocupados por la seguridad del mundo? Quiero decir, ción de combate que el F-15 de potencia y F-16 a partir de una base aérea israelí, según un artículo de la AFP.

¿Cómo ha podido suceder esto en una de lada motor pesa varias toneladas y requiere un camión graves para moverlos. ¿Puede alguien decir inside job? Por ahora, la IAF es decir los motores fueron robados probable para chatarra. Quiero decir, el F100 no es exactamente el corte del motor borde tecnología. Heck, dependiendo de la variante, los F100s robo puede ser la versión que estuvo plagado de tantos problemas que se le solicite los EE.UU. la Fuerza Aérea a la comisión de GE para construir su F110 como un motor alternativo para el F100 en la década de 1980.

La verdadera preocupación aquí no es la tecnología en los motores de robo, es el hecho de que la IAF (o unidades de por lo menos en esa base) es tan corrupto que ocho motores a reacción fueron robados a plena vista. No se puede exactamente a escaparse de un hangar en el bolsillo.

http://defensetech.org/2011/06/13/eight ... raeli-afb/

bueno al parecer la mafia israeli de origen russa sigue con lo suyo
no creo que sea la resistencia palestina (hamas) que hay etcho tal pedido , los chinos no tienen que andar lejos :mrgreen:

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