Todo sobre el Su-30 Flanker

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algunos videos interesantes :D
Sukhoi Su-30 en el mundo
los Su-30 malayos ( parte 1)
(parte 2)
Su-30 MKI IAF In The Line Of Duty

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bueno las comparaciones aqui son pertinentes en cuanto al AGM-62 Walleye y el Kh-59M
como lo menciona Gurevh son equivalentes pero no identicas en cuanto a sus usos y performance.
la AGM-62 Walleye no es un misil crucero y evidentemente no tiene ni el alcance ni el poder de la Kh-59M ( eso si no contamos con las versiones que tenian cabezas nucleares :crazy:)
ademas que los usos de la Walleye fueron mas bien limitados en la USAF, en cambio los Rusos le dan una preponderancia mayor a sus Kh-59M puesto que tienen modelos antibuque.
en la guerra del golfo los pilotos gringos se quejaban de la falta de contraste de la camara y en consecuencia no se distinguian los blancos del entorno.
aqui el Sekeer de la version M

Kh-59MK con motor turbofan y buscador activo de radar

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Registrado: 18 Abr 2010, 00:12

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Gurevh escribió:Bueno... haber con mejores performance claro que las hay... tanto en rusia como en EEUU pero similar me parece el AGM-62 Walleye.

La distancia temporal entre un Walleye (AGM-62) y un Kh-59 es mounstrosa, no se puede comparar en ningún nivel.

Y no, para misiles con las características peso, potencia y propósito de la categoría del Kh-59 y el AGM-84H, el último, el SLAM, es consistentemente mejor, tiene mejor alcance, características furtivas, es menos aparatoso y mas ligero, si hablamos de la versión de exportación del Kh-59 la diferencia es todavía mayor.

Jagdgeschwader 74 "Viva Zapata" SQdr.
Orel .
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Registrado: 18 Dic 2005, 14:28

Mensaje por Orel . »

bueno las comparaciones aqui son pertinentes en cuanto al AGM-62 Walleye y el Kh-59M

¿Y por qué no incluir el israelí Popeye, denominado en EEUU AGM-142 Have Nap?

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Ubicación: La Fuente, Estado Nueva Esparta( un hijo er diablo)

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¿Y por qué no incluir el israelí Popeye, denominado en EEUU AGM-142 Have Nap?

Toda la razon Orel ademas de ser un arma de fabricacion occidental (Israeli) es uno de los vectores Nuclreares de primer orden de la IAF
Imagen - India

"Con el puño cerrado no se puede dar un apretón de manos"
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Registrado: 18 Abr 2010, 00:12

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Creo que no... el Have Nap es bastante mas pesado.

Jagdgeschwader 74 "Viva Zapata" SQdr.
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si no me equivoco su vector serian los B52 :conf:

"Con el puño cerrado no se puede dar un apretón de manos"
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Registrado: 18 Abr 2010, 00:12

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Son varios, Australia los integró en sus F-111 y Turquía en sus F-4 y F-16, Israel hizo lo respectivo con el F-15 y F-16.

Jagdgeschwader 74 "Viva Zapata" SQdr.
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Vympel R-77 LOS DIENTES LARGOS DEL Sukhoi Su-30

El Vympel R-77 (RVV-AE) ruso (nombre código de la OTAN AA-12 "Adder") es un sistema misilístico aire-aire de alcance medio, guiado por radar.El misil posee cuatro aletas en la parte media del fuselaje y cuatro superficies de control únicas en forma de alas desplegables
la versión básica de este misil posee un alcance máximo de 90 km,Luego del lanzamiento, el misil es guiado inercialmente con actualizaciones recibidas por parte de las computadoras de abordo de la plataforma lanzadora. Cuando el misil se acerca a unos 20 km de su objetivo, el misil enciende su radar activo propio,Una mejora introducida en el R-77 Adder de fábrica, fue la introducción de un propulsor ramjet, lo que resultó en la versión R-77M1. Este misil más pesado tendría mucho mayor alcance, y seguramente será el misil primario para combates fuera del alcance visual de los cazas frontales de quinta generación rusos.

El R-77 también está siendo desarrollado para alcanzar los avances realizados en el extranjero. el RVV-AE-PD (a menudo referido como R-77M) está bajo desarrollo y tiene las cuatro aletas laterales reemplazadas por ramjets. En adición de una nueva trayectoria ampliada, se cree que posee un alcance que excede los 120 km y que está limitado sólo por el radar de la plataforma lanzadora.
Detalle de las "alas" desplegables

Entered service in 1994
Range against closing target 150 km
Range against receding target 50 - 90 km
Weight 175 kg
Weight of warhead 30 kg
Type of warhead expanding rod
Speed Mach 4+
Guidance active radarhoming
Length 3.6 m
Diameter 0.2 m
Fin span 0.7 m
Carried by Ka-50, Ka-52, MiG-29, MiG-31, Su-27, Su-30, Su-33, Su-34, Su-35, Su-37, Yak-141

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11 Oct, 2010, 07.12AM IST,TNN
It’s Sukhoi vs Eurofighter as IAF ‘takes on’ RAF

casi un mes de viejo pero lo amerita...
NEW DELHI: Top-notch fighters and other aircraft from India and UK will match their combat skills in the ‘Indra-Dhanush ’ joint exercise at Kalaikunda airbase in West Bengal later this month.

While the British Royal Air Force will deploy their spanking new Eurofighter jets for the exercise slated to begin from October 20, the IAF fleet will be led by the ‘air dominance’ Sukhoi-30 MKI fighters.

“The exercise will be held in an Awacs (airborne warning and control systems) environment , with air defence being a major thrust area. We will be fielding different types of our fighters,” said a senior official.

Both the Indian and British forces are also expected to use their mid-air refuelling aircraft , like the IL-78 and VC-10 tankers, during the combat manoeuvres.

“The aim of the joint exercise is to learn from each other and enhance mutual operational understanding. With every exercise, IAF has gained valuable experience and gained respect as a highly-professional and motivated force,” the official added.

The exercise comes at a time when the $10.4 billion project to acquire 126 medium multirole combat aircraft (MMRCA) for IAF is in the final stages of selection process.

Apart from Eurofighter, the other five contenders in the hotly-contested race to bag the lucrative MMRCA project are the F/A-18 ‘Super Hornet’ and F-16 ‘Falcon’ (both US), Gripen (Swedish), Rafale (French) and MiG-35 (Russian).

A major Indo-UK defence deal has been the ‘Hawk’ AJT (advanced jet trainer) project. As reported earlier, India is going in for another 57 Hawks as a “follow-on ” order to the ongoing Rs 8,000 crore AJT project, finalised in March 2004 with BAE Systems , under which IAF is already getting 66 Hawks.


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Registrado: 03 Dic 2006, 02:37
Ubicación: La Fuente, Estado Nueva Esparta( un hijo er diablo)

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Su 30 Chinos frente a frente Vs Su 30 hindues :shock:

India to set up new Air Force base on China border

New Delhi: India is responding to China's disconcerting build-up of roads and railways to the India-Tibet border by stepping up its own ability to project military power. A top Indian Air Force commander has revealed plans for a brand new airbase at Nyoma, in Ladakh, from which IAF fighters could fly missions to the nearby border, where Indian jawans were overwhelmed in 1962 without any fighter support.

This follows New Delhi's decision in 2008 to station frontline Sukhoi-30MKI fighters at four IAF bases in northeast India - Tezpur, Bagdogra, Chhabua and Hashimara - close by the Sino-Indian border. A slew of ongoing equipment purchases - e.g the C-130J Super Hercules and C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft; the P8I Poseidon Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft; ultralight howitzers and light tanks for hilly terrain - also beef up India's abilities against China. A new corps, of some 50,000 troops, the Indian Army's first manpower increase in decades, will be stationed on the border. And several disused border airfields have been refurbished to allow operations by the IAF's AN-32 transporters.

But Nyoma will be much more than that. According to Air Marshall N A K Browne, the chief of the IAF's Western Air Command (WAC), "We shall be able to operate each and every aircraft of the IAF from Nyoma. Our modern fighters, particularly the Sukhoi-30MKI, are designed to operate from such high altitude airfields. We have forwarded our plan to the MoD and... if we get the go-ahead today, (building Nyoma air base) would take 3-4 years."

The air marshall confirmed that an ongoing Rs 1,000-crore scheme to transform 30 IAF air bases into world-class fighter facilities - termed the Modernisation of Airfield Infrastructure (MAFI) plan - would also be extended to Nyoma.

Such is the importance of Nyoma, that Defence Minister A K Antony was flown there for a personal inspection on June 22. That was after the 2,700 metre Nyoma airfield was prepared in just 90 days by an army engineer regiment, using a special compacting compound.

Defence experts are unanimous that fighter aircraft support can make the difference between victory and defeat in high altitude battlefields, but not everyone believes fighters should be placed so close to the border, vulnerable to enemy attack. Air Commodore Jasjit Singh who heads the Centre for Air Power Studies, the IAF's think tank, says, "While there is no denying the utility of aerial resupply and close air support, fighter aircraft should be based a safe distance away from the border. India has mid-air refuelling aircraft, which can extend the fighters' operating ranges."

While Nyoma was initially activated, in mid-2009, as a transport airfield to which troops and equipment could be quickly airlifted in a border crisis, the August floods in Leh, which submerged the airfield, led the IAF to conclude that an alternative to Leh was essential. Says Air Marshal Browne, "We need more options in that area if Leh is shut down because of landslides and floods… Besides, the (northern Ladakh) airfields of Leh and Thoise often get shut down because of (bad weather caused by) western disturbances. The weather pattern is far easier for us around Nyoma."

Before settling on Nyoma, the IAF has evaluated several other potential air bases in Ladakh. But Daulat Beg Oldi was too high (16,200 feet); Chushul was too close to the border; and Fukche could not have its runway extended because of water bodies at both ends.

Meanwhile, the IAF is watching China's developing capabilities in Tibet, just across the Line of Actual Control from Nyoma. According to Air Marshal Browne, "We are looking at the new threat...and all of that is factored into our planning...whether in terms of new (Chinese) bases, sensors, missiles, radars and new weapons. We evaluate how these could affect us."

Even as Nyoma is built up as Ladakh's second major airbase after Leh, the runway at Leh is being resurfaced after the recent floods. The IAF says only part of the resurfacing can be completed this year, before winter stops work. The rest of the runway will be resurfaced next year.

les van a poner toda la carne en el asador :twisted:

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Registrado: 03 Dic 2006, 02:37
Ubicación: La Fuente, Estado Nueva Esparta( un hijo er diablo)

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seguimos mostrando los "dientes" del Sukhoi-30 :twisted:
Kh-31 Krypton

El Kh-31P (AS-17 Krypton para la OTAN) es un misil anti radiación capaz de usar hasta tres unidades de guiado radar pasivo, para cubrir distintas bandas de frecuencia que pueden ser usadas tanto contra radares terrestres de control de tiro y vigilancia, como aquellos instalados en embarcaciones navales. Los diferentes buscadores tienen la posibilidad de continuar su ataque incluso si el radar objetivo deja de emitir, gracias a una capacidad de memoria de blanco. La cabeza de combate es de 90 Kg.
Los Chinos tienen una version local llamada YJ-91, los Rusos han desarrollando una version mejor denominada KH 31PM.
Apodado el "Mini-Moskit su velocidad de Mach 4.5 fue diseñado originalmente como un misil anti-radiación utiliza un cohete sólido en la cola para acelerar el vehículo a la velocidad de encendido estatorreactor. Una vez que el propulsor se gasta, la cavidad de refuerzo se emplea como una cavidad para la cámara de combustión de queroseno ramjet alimentados que se utiliza para continuar acelerando el misil a velocidad de crucero y de mantener esa velocidad hasta que el combustible líquido se consume.
La combinación de misiles de alta velocidad, tamaño pequeño y de largo alcance hace que sea un objetivo difícil de interceptar por la defensa antiaérea.En la altitud de la Kh-31 alcanza Mach 4.5, el nivel del mar de Mach 2.7. Su-30MK preparado para el Kh-31 serie transportar hasta a seis rondas en las estaciones de banda 3, 4, 11, 12 y 9 estaciones de entrada y 10, con AKU-58 adaptadores, el Su-27SKU,No tiene equivalente en el inventario occidental,Durante la década de 1990, se presentan persistente que la célula se está adaptando para su uso como AAM de largo alcance con un papel contra el ISR, como un "AWACS-killer", con la designación R-31P.
Kh-31P (right) with R-27 (left) and Kh-59 (middle) at MAKS Airshow, Zhukovskiy, 1999

* Kh-31A - active seeker head for use as an anti-shipping missile against vessels up to destroyer size, range of 25 km–50 km (13.5–27 nmi; 15.5–31mi). Missile is sea-skimming as it approaches the target.

* Kh-31P (Type 77P) - passive seeker head for use as an anti-radiation missile. Stays at high altitude throughout its flight, allowing higher speeds and increasing range to 110 km (60 nmi; 70 mi). The seeker has three interchangeable modules to cover different radar frequency bands, but they can only be changed at the factory.[citation needed

* Kh-31AD/Kh-31PD ("Kh-31 Mod 2") - increase range "by a modest amount" through increasing the fuselage from 4.70 m (15 ft 5 in) to 5.23 m (17 ft 2 in) long.[13]

* Kh-31AM/Kh-31PM - substantial update to electronics and propulsion systems, trials scheduled for 2005/6. Updated resistance to countermeasures, better fuses, and an improved 31DP propulsion system that "considerably" improves the range with little increase in weight. The Kh-31AM has an improved RGS-31 active seeker, whilst the Kh-31PM replaces the L-111, L-112 and L-113 seekers with a single multiband unit, the L-130.

* MA-31 - telemetry and other systems installed by McDonnell Douglas/Boeing for use by the US Navy as a target drone. Tested between 1996-9; a version upgraded with GPS, the MA-31PG, was offered to the Navy as a replacement for the MQM-8 Vandal but they bought the GQM-163 Coyote. Even with the additional equipment, the MA-31 was capable of Mach 2.7 and 15G manoevres in its anti-ship (sea-skimming) flight profile and Mach 3.5 in ARM mode at 48,000 ft (15,000 m).

* KR-1 - version of the Kh-31P exported to China in 1997. It seems that Zvezda wanted to sell an initial batch of KR-1's to China, before the KR-1 went into production in China. Rather than the original three seeker modules, the KR-1 has a single K-112E "export" seeker targeting D-F band (S band) emissions, and reportedly optimised for specific Taiwanese radars.

* YJ-91 Ying Ji 91 - Chinese missile based on the Kh-31P, with faster speed, slightly longer range, and easier switching of seeker heads.[citation needed] They are also reported to have developed an anti-shipping version with an indigenous active seeker, and are looking to develop this for use in submarines. The name YJ-91 was already in use by 1997, and may have been a Chinese name for the original Russian missiles designated X-31 by the Russians. By 2005, the name YJ-93 was being applied to missiles made in China, but Western reports generally do not distinguish between YJ-91 and YJ-93.

An active/passive air-to-air version for use against slow-moving support aircraft, a so-called "AWACS killer", was announced at the 1992 Moscow air show with 200 km (110 nmi; 120 mi) range. That would be less than the 300–400 kilometres (160–220 nmi; 190–250 mi) promised by the Vympel R-37 (AA-13 'Arrow') and Novator R-172 missiles, but a Kh-31 derivative could be carried by a wider range of aircraft. However this may have been mere propaganda; in 2004 the Tactical Missiles Corporation "emphatically denied" that it had ever worked on an air-to-air version of the Kh-31.In 2005 rumours persisted of a Russian AWACS killer based on the Kh-31A anti-shipping model, and of the Chinese adapting the YJ-91, derived from the Kh-31P, for the same purpose.


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Mensaje por iguecoff »

Cuenteme que capacidad puede tener este avion contra un un F-16 o un Mig-29? y ya que aqui lo que mas veo son venezolanos, ¿A este avion se le haria "facil" el menudo Kfir?

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En cuanto al F-16 estarian cabeza a cabeza con respecto a los Falcons mas modernos como Block 50. Los Mig 29 son en la VVS la espina dorsal de sus fuerzas aereas junto con los Su27 son complementarios aunque la capacidad de los SU 30 son mucho mayores, el Kfir si que no juega en esta liga evidentemente inferior en todo los aspectos.


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Mensaje por Chechitar_1985 »

a mi pesar, el Kfir seria presa facil de un sukhoi Su-30, en un hipotetico conflicto contra venezuela (y por eso digo hipotetico), por que las capacidades de vuelo del cachorro de leon fueron superadas ampilamente, y por eso los israelies (fabricantes de este) estan volando los mas modernos F-15 y F-16I, y a los Kfir se les envio a reserva (de alli provienen si no estoy mal los colombianos).

asi el avion monte sistemas capaces de disparar misiles Phyton 3y 5, no creo que sea capaz de ser rival digno de los Vympel R-73 (nombre código de la OTAN AA-11 Archer) y el Vympel R-27 (designación OTAN: AA-10 Alamo), que arman a los sukhoi venezolanos.

por eso, lo mejor que la FAC puede hacer, es adquirir un sistema aereo de similares caracteristicas, eso si, equipados con avionica israeli, que ofrece la capacidad de ser integrada a cualquier celula, occidental o rusa (creo que se fue OFF-TOPIC)

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