Armada Australiana

Marinas de Guerra y Armadas del Mundo. Novedades, construcción naval. Buques de guerra, portaviones, submarinos. Aviación naval. Infantería de Marina.
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Re: Armada Australiana

Mensaje por Monk »

En cuanto a los nuevos submarinos de la armada australiana, ellos piensan de la siguiente manera:

"There is little question that larger hull sizes improve crew habitability enabling better crew accommodation, perhaps with dedicated cabin arrangements, across a couple of decks, as opposed to a smaller submarine where crew areas are squeezed into spaces left over after operational related space allocations have been made.

Finally, whilst a larger hull size does increase the payload capacity, it is not enough to influence total mission endurance significantly. A 3,350 tonne Collins class submarine carries 22 weapons, a 2455 tonne Upholder Class submarine carries 18 weapons, a 2430 tonne S-80 carries 18 weapons, a 1900 tonne Dolphin class submarine carries 16 weapons, an 1830 tonnes Type 212 submarine carries 12 weapons and an 1810 tonne Type 209 submarine carries 14 weapons. Increasing the number of weapons from the Type 214 to a Collins Class submarine may only increase the total mission endurance by hours or days

Además quieren uniformizar los sistemas del submarino para que luego no se den problemas. Eso otorga una baza a Navantia, ya que les gusta Lockheed como sistema de combate, y les parece muy importante el que teniendo un sistema de combate estadounidense, los torpedos sean alemanes.

"Those that think that the use of a combat system with a US pedigree is an important consideration for our future submarines might be better trying to weight the submarine selection process in favour of the Spanish S-80."

Artículo completo:

http://www.asiapacificdefencereporter.c ... R-SEA-1000


Sic transit gloria mundi
Fandiño cut off the left ear of the Rebecca's captain, Robert Jenkins, who had been accused of piracy. Fandiño told Jenkins, "Go, and tell your King that I will do the same, if he dares to do the same."
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Registrado: 18 May 2012, 22:52

Armada Australiana

Mensaje por hierros »

Hola, soy nuevo y siento irrumpir aquí sin que me conozcais, pero vengo de parte de "friends of the Cerberus" para pedir ayuda y participación. Si seguís este link podreis ver la cuestión expuesta. Pero para que sepais de lo que va a grandes rasgos os lo explico aquí: El HMVS Cerberus es un acorazado tipo monitor, de los pocos que quedan en el mundo, y ha habido, durante muchos años, un intento de salvaguardarlo de su destrucción completa. Ahora hay problemas y me han pedido los de esta asociación, si puedo conseguir que gente de España envíe los dos e-mails que vereis en el link, para presionar al gobierno en tan mala decisión. El link esta en el foro jeep comando y esta mejor explicado. Muchas gracias de antemano, y siento si aquí no es el lugar adecuado para postear esto.

Ayudemos a los australianos a no acabar como nosotros... sin un solo buque representante de nuestra rica y larga historia naval.


El link:

Si podeis en los e-mails mencionar que soys de España... mejor!

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General de Cuerpo de Ejército
General de Cuerpo de Ejército
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Registrado: 09 May 2008, 02:46
Ubicación: Medellín

Armada Australiana

Mensaje por Anderson »

The RAN landing ship HMAS Choules, bought from UK last year may need major repair

JUNE 20, 2012

Australian news media today reported that the Navy’s new landing ship HMAS Choules, which was bought from the UK last year, may need a major repair.

The media reported that defects were detected in the propulsion system of the vessel, and it may be out of action for as much as 12 months. RAN had bought the amphibious landing ship last year, which was then celebrated as one of the most significant purchases by the Navy. According to the naval authorities, a major defect was defected on one of the transformers, which passes electricity towards the propulsion system. The speed of the vessel was cut in to half as a result of the failure, and the RAN was forced to cancel the planned naval operations last week.

Rear Admiral Tim Barrett, senior RAN official claimed that the defect was very unusual for this type of ship, and a full scale naval investigation will be launched by the navy, to ascertain the actual reasons behind the failure. Currently the ship is docked at the Fleet Base East, in Sydney. Reports of overheating and other defects were reported from the vessel during last year itself, which were brushed aside by the naval authorities.

The vessel, which is only 6 years old, was bought by the RAN in 2011. At that time the engineers had claimed that the vessel is in excellent condition. However, after the defects were found earlier, the RAN had submitted a status report to the Australian minister of defence, Stephen Smith last month. Meanwhile senior RAN official claimed that the Navy has already contacted the manufacturers of the transformers, so that the defective ones can be replaced.

The HMAS Choules, a 16,200 tonne vessel was built by the British ship builder Swan Hunter, from the county of Tyne and Wear. The RAN acquired the vessel on 6 April 2011, four and a half years after its commissioning in to the Royal Navy. The vessel is armed with various naval guns such as the Mk 44 and the FN MAG. It is capable of transporting as much as 24 Main Battle Tanks (MBTs). ... -20120620/

Tierra de héroes anónimos y espíritus libres...
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Registrado: 05 Feb 2004, 17:14

Armada Australiana

Mensaje por ASTUR »

Estimados Apañeros muy buenas noticioas para nosotros,

El Cantabria será evaluado en Australia con vistas al reemplazo de los buques logísticos de la Marina ... arina.html

A ver si sale bien.

Visto lo visto me parece a mi que tendríamos que llegar a acuerdos de defensa mayores con los australianos, tenemos muchas necesidades que son comunes a ambos.

A ver si caen NULKAS y Bushmasters jajajaja :alegre: (pa nosotros)

"Pienso que se presenta una importante crisis. Jamás hubo cosa tan valiente, tan generosa, tan noble, como la conducta de los asturianos"

Cámara de los comunes el 15 de julio de 1808
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Registrado: 28 Ene 2003, 13:20
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Armada Australiana

Mensaje por Ismael »

Algunos medios dicen literalmente que los aussies lo han alquilado: ... aRCRD.html

Un saludo

Si Dios me hubiere consultado sobre el sistema del universo, le habría dado unas cuantas ideas (Alfonso X el Sabio)
Debemos perdonar a nuestros enemigos, pero nunca antes de que los cuelguen (H.Heine)
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General de Cuerpo de Ejército
General de Cuerpo de Ejército
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Registrado: 09 May 2008, 02:46
Ubicación: Medellín

Armada Australiana

Mensaje por Anderson »

Hola todos,

Se incorpora un nuevo buque a la Armada Australiana. :arrow: ... iew&id=481

Royal Australian Navy's newest ship, ADV Ocean Shield, arrives

The Navy’s newest ship, Australian Defence Vessel Ocean Shield, has arrived in Australia. The Government announced earlier this year that it had purchased the vessel, formerly known as Skandi Bergen, to add to the Royal Australian Navy's current amphibious ships.

The vessel ensures that Defence has the humanitarian and disaster relief capability required between now and the arrival of the two new Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) ships in the middle of the decade. It will primarily be used to transport troops and supplies in support of humanitarian and disaster relief operations domestically and in the region.

Ocean Shield is able to operate in sub-Antarctic weather conditions and will be able to undertake patrols in the Southern Ocean providing surveillance, detection and apprehension of any vessels operating illegally. Ocean Shield is the sister ship of the Ocean Protector which is currently operated by Customs and Border Protection and undertakes these patrols.

The 6,500 tonne ship is 105m long and 21m wide. It has accommodation for up to 100 people, more than 1000 metres of deck area, and a helipad. After Defence introduces the first LHD into service, Ocean Shield will be transferred to Customs and Border Protection to provide a long term capability for Customs and Border Protection. Ocean Shield will join HMAS Tobruk and HMAS Choules in providing Australia’s amphibious humanitarian and disaster relief capability.


Tierra de héroes anónimos y espíritus libres...
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Registrado: 04 Oct 2008, 17:47

Armada Australiana

Mensaje por cancrexo »

Vídeo de la partida del Blue Marlin rumbo a Australia con el HMAS Canberra estibado abordo.
Un saludo.

Somos dueños de nuestros silencios y esclavos de nuestras palabras.
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Emile Zola
Mensajes: 1442
Registrado: 25 Sep 2007, 16:00
Ubicación: Lyon, tercera ciudad de Francia

Armada Australiana

Mensaje por Emile Zola »

Una vídeo (en imagenes de computadora) símpatica del nuevo destructor AA "Hobart class" de la RAN :


El éxito es lo de intentar, no lo de lograr (Richard Branson)
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Registrado: 20 Sep 2011, 21:21

Armada Australiana

Mensaje por Pelicano »

Buenas tardes.

Esta mañana ha llegado a tierras Australianas, el ALHD Camberra.

creo que existe un vídeo de la noticia, pero no lo he encontrado.

un saludo.

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Cabo Primero
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Registrado: 11 Abr 2009, 19:49
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Armada Australiana

Mensaje por dilbert »

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Registrado: 09 Mar 2012, 01:24

Armada Australiana

Mensaje por cartago »

en la pagina principal de infodefensa hay un video de esta noticia tambien.

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Registrado: 17 May 2005, 20:57

Armada Australiana

Mensaje por paul_hauser34 »

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jose luis collado
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Registrado: 15 Ene 2012, 04:55
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Armada Australiana

Mensaje por jose luis collado »

segun tengo entendido australia pagara los gastos de mantenimiento y españa los del personal de la armada en el caso del cantabrtia, ademas incorporara a varios miembros de la marina australiana que evaluaran el buque como posible sustituto para los de su flota.
ademas con los recortes el cantabria no podria navegar lo que la AE estima necesario para el adiestramiento y total operatividad del buque

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General de Cuerpo de Ejército
General de Cuerpo de Ejército
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Registrado: 09 May 2008, 02:46
Ubicación: Medellín

Armada Australiana

Mensaje por Anderson »

Hola todos,

Los dos Newport Class [Kanimbla y Manoora] serán chatarrizados. :arrow: ... hibs-Scrap

Australia Sells Amphibs for Scrap
Jun. 26, 2013

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA — The Royal Australian Navy’s two Kanimbla class amphibious ships have been sold to a US company for scrap, Minister for Defence Materiel Dr. Mike Kelly announced this week.

Southern Metals LLC, based in New Orleans, concluded the deal with the Australian government May 20, and it was made public by the Australian minister June 24. The selling price was undisclosed due to “commercial in confidence” considerations.

The two vessels, Kanimbla and Manoora, have been languishing in Sydney Harbour since being decommissioned in 2011. A Request for Tender was released to domestic and international markets for their disposal for recycling in June 2012. Earlier plans to sell the hulks as dive wrecks were abandoned following fears of public backlash.

“The disposal of Manoora and Kanimbla by sale has been completed in less than two years from the date the vessels were withdrawn from service, providing the best and most competitive net disposal cost to the commonwealth,” Kelly said. Disposal of the two ships is subject to US government ITAR restrictions. They will be recycled in accordance with Australia’s environmental standards by 2014.

Kanimbla and Manoora are ex-US Navy Newport class LPDs, purchased in 1994 and locally modified for use by the Royal Australian Navy. In September 2010, the ships were the subject of an operational pause following age-related seaworthiness concerns. As a result, Manoora was prematurely decommissioned in May 2011 and Kanimbla in November of the same year.

Their amphibious capability is being replaced by existing vessels in the interim but will be filled from 2015 with the introduction of the RANs, two 27,000-ton Landing Helicopter Dock ships currently under construction.

Tierra de héroes anónimos y espíritus libres...
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Emile Zola
Mensajes: 1442
Registrado: 25 Sep 2007, 16:00
Ubicación: Lyon, tercera ciudad de Francia

Armada Australiana

Mensaje por Emile Zola »

munrox escribió:Fears of further delays to the nation's biggest defence project
The $8 billion Air Warfare Destroyer program has been plagued with design changes "way beyond" expectations because of problems with Spanish designer Navantia, according to the head of the company building the vessels. ... 6721296385

Los australianos temen nuevos retrasos en su programa de destructores AWD. Como ya dijeron hace tiempo, echan la culpa a Navantia y sus continuos cambios los planos, dejando a un lado los propios problemas de construcción que han tenido ellos mismos. Tengan razón o no, lo peligroso para Navantia, si es que con el exceso de peso del S-80 y problemas con su AIP no ha sido suficiente, es que el jefe ejecutivo de ACS aconseja al gobierno que estos problemas no deben volver a darse en el próximo programa de submarinos, y a buen entendedor...

"We get the drawings, we start building to the drawings . . . and then we get the next update to the drawings and there is a lot of change. There is an enormous amount of change in that, It is way beyond anybody's expectations. It has been very difficult to manage."

[...]said that the experience should be a warning to Defence as it prepares to build its $30 billion future submarine fleet.

He urged the government to ensure the future submarine project involved the builder of the new fleet - likely to be ASC - in the design process to avoid similar problems occurring.

Sin querer "polemicar" : no tendrían estos problemas si se hubiesen decantado por las Orrizonte franco-italianas pero los Aussies querían a todo coste fragatas con el sistema yankee AEGIS para reafirmar su "lealdad" al tio Sam y ahora lo van a pagar ...

El éxito es lo de intentar, no lo de lograr (Richard Branson)

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